1.Known Direct Subclasses

2.Known Indirect Subclasses




EditText which supports compatible features on older version of the platform, including:

This will automatically be used when you use EditText in your layouts. You should only need to manually

use this class when writing custom views.


An editable text view that shows completion suggestions automatically while the user is typing.

The list of suggestions is displayed in a drop down menu from which the user can choose an item to replace the

content of the edit box with.The drop down can be dismissed at any time by pressing the back key or, if no item is

selected in the drop down, by pressing the enter/dpad center key.The list of suggestions is obtained from a data

adapter and appears only after a given number of characters defined by the threshold.


Specialization of EditText for showing and interacting with the extracted text in a full-screen input method.


A custom EditText that satisfies the IME key monitoring requirements of GuidedStepFragment.


EditText widget that monitors keyboard changes.


MultiAutoCompleteTextView which supports compatible features on older version of the platform, including:

This will automatically be used when you use MultiAutoCompleteTextView in your layouts. You should only

need to manually use this class when writing custom views.


AutoCompleteTextView which supports compatible features on older version of the platform, including:

This will automatically be used when you use AutoCompleteTextView in your layouts. You should only need

to manually use this class when writing custom views.


A special sub-class of EditText designed for use as a child of TextInputLayout.

Using this class allows us to display a hint in the IME when in 'extract' mode.


An editable text view, extending AutoCompleteTextView, that can show completion suggestions for the

substring of the text where the user is typing instead of necessarily for the entire thing.

You must provide a MultiAutoCompleteTextView.Tokenizer to distinguish the various substrings.


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