
Redis Client C++示例代码...略!

 * Time: 14-3-10
 * File: RedisCache.h
 * Author: wbhuang
 * Description: none

#ifndef __REDIS_CACHE_H__
#define __REDIS_CACHE_H__

#include <string>
#include <boost/date_time.hpp>
#include "redisclient.h"

using namespace std;
using namespace boost;

class RedisMediator {

	static const int DEFAULT_EXPIRE_TIME = 0;

	virtual string getKey() = 0;
	virtual string getValue() = 0;
	int getTime() { return 0; }
	bool getIsSetDefaultValue() { return false; }
	string getDefaultValue() { return "none"; }

class RedisCache {

	string host, port;
	bool clusterMode;
	shared_ptr<redis::client> client;

	virtual ~RedisCache();
	RedisCache(string host, string port);

	string set(string key, string value);
	string get(string key);
	string del(string key);
	string getAndSet(RedisMediator *redisMediator);
	bool   exists(string key);

	vector<string> mGet(vector<string> *keys);
	vector<string> mSet(vector<string> *keys, vector<string> *values);
	vector<string> mGetAndSet(vector<RedisMediator*> *redisMediators);

	string hashSet(string key, string field, string value);
	string hashGet(string key, string field);
	string hashDel(string key, string field);
	string hashGetAndSet(string key, RedisMediator *redisMediator);
	bool hashExists(string key, string field);
	int hashLen(string key);

	string sAdd(string key, string value);
	string sPop(string key);
	string sDel(string key);

	string rPush(string key, string value);
	string lPush(string key, string value);
	int lLen(string key);
	string lIndex(string key, int index);
	string lSet(string key, int index, string value);
	string lPop(string key);
	string rPop(string key);

	void flushAll();
	void flushDb();



#endif /*__REDIS_CACHE_H__*/


 * Time: 14-3-1
 * File: RedisCache.cpp
 * Author: wbhuang
 * Description: none

#include "RedisCache.h"

#define VALUE_NULL "**nonexistent-key**" 

	char *charHost= getenv("REDIS_HOST");
	if(charHost) {
    		host = string(charHost);
	} else {
  		host = string("localhost");
	client = shared_ptr<redis::client>( new redis::client(host) );

RedisCache::RedisCache(string host, string port):host(host), port(port)
	client = shared_ptr<redis::client>( new redis::client(this->host) );



string RedisCache::set(string key, string value)
	if (key.empty())
		return "";
	client->set(key, value);
	return value;

string RedisCache::get(string key)
	string value;
	if (key.empty())
		return "";
	if (exists(key))
		value = client->get(key);

	return value;

string RedisCache::del(string key)
	string value;
	value = get(key);
	return value;

string RedisCache::getAndSet(RedisMediator *redisMediator)
	if (NULL == redisMediator)
		return "";
	string key, value;
	key = redisMediator->getKey();
	value = get(key);

	if (value.empty())
		value = redisMediator->getValue();
		set(key, value);
		int time = redisMediator->getTime();
		if (0 != time)
			client->expire(key, time);
	return value;

bool RedisCache::exists(string key)
	return client->exists(key);

vector<string> RedisCache::mGet(vector<string> *keys)
      	redis::client::string_vector vals;
	client->mget(*keys, vals);

	return vals;

vector<string> RedisCache::mSet(vector<string> *keys, vector<string> *values)
	for (int i = 0; i < keys->size(); i++)
		client->set((*keys)[i], (*values)[i]);

	return *values;

vector<string> RedisCache::mGetAndSet(vector<RedisMediator*> *redisMediators)
	string key, value;
	vector<string> values;
	for (int i = 0; i < redisMediators->size(); i++)
		key = (*redisMediators)[i]->getKey();
		value = get(key);
		if (value.empty())
			value = (*redisMediators)[i]->getKey();
			set(key, value);
	return values;

string RedisCache::hashSet(string key, string field, string value)
	if(key.empty() || field.empty())
		return "";
	client->hset(key, field, value);
	return value;

string RedisCache::hashGet(string key, string field)
	if (key.empty() || field.empty())
		return "";
	string value;
	if (hashExists(key, field))
		value = client->hget(key, field);

	return value;

string RedisCache::hashDel(string key, string field)
	string value;
	value = hashGet(key, field);
	client->hdel(key, field);
	return value;

string RedisCache::hashGetAndSet(string key, RedisMediator *redisMediator)
	if (key.empty() || NULL == redisMediator)
		return "";
	string field, value;
	field = redisMediator->getKey();
	value = hashGet(key, field);
	if (value.empty())
		value = redisMediator->getValue();
		hashSet(key, field, value);
	return value;

bool RedisCache::hashExists(string key, string field)
	return client->hexists(key, field);

int RedisCache::hashLen(string key)
	return client->hlen(key);

string RedisCache::sAdd(string key, string value)
	if (key.empty() || value.empty())
		return "";
	client->sadd(key, value);
	return value;

string RedisCache::sPop(string key)
	string value;
	value = client->spop(key);
	if (VALUE_NULL == value)
		value = "";
	return value;

string RedisCache::sDel(string key)
	if (key.empty())
		return "";
	return sPop(key);

string RedisCache::rPush(string key, string value)
	if (key.empty())
		return "";
	client->rpush(key, value);
	return value;

string RedisCache::lPush(string key, string value)
	if (key.empty())
		return "";
	client->lpush(key, value);
	return value;

int RedisCache::lLen(string key)
	if (key.empty())
		return 0;
	return client->llen(key);

string RedisCache::lIndex(string key, int index)
	if (key.empty() || index < 0 || index >= lLen(key))
		return "";
	string value = client->lindex(key, index);
	if (VALUE_NULL == value)
		value ="";
	return value;

string RedisCache::lSet(string key, int index, string value)
	if (key.empty() || index < 0 || index >= lLen(key))
		return "";

	client->lset(key, index, value);
	return value;

string RedisCache::lPop(string key)
	if (key.empty())
		return "";
	string value = client->lpop(key);
	if (VALUE_NULL == value)
		value = "";
	return value;

string RedisCache::rPop(string key)
	if (key.empty())
		return "";
	string value = client->rpop(key);
	if (VALUE_NULL == value)
		value = "";
	return value;

void RedisCache::flushAll()

void RedisCache::flushDb()


#include "RedisCache.h"

#include  <iostream>

int main()
	RedisCache* cache = new RedisCache();
	cache->set("foo", "wbhuang");
	string value = cache->get("foo");
	cout<<"after set foo:"<<value<<endl;
	value = cache->get("foo");
	cout<<"after del foo:"<<cache->get("foo")<<endl;

	vector<string> vecKey, vecValue;

	cache->mSet(&vecKey, &vecValue);
	cout<<"after mset foo2:"<<cache->get("foo2")<<endl;
	vector<string> vecRet = cache->mGet(&vecKey);
	cout<<"after mget foo1:"<<vecRet[0]<<endl;

	string hKey = "hfoo";
	string hField = "hfield";
	cache->hashSet(hKey, hField, "wbhuang");
	cout<<"after hset len:"<<cache->hashLen(hKey)<<endl;
	string hValue = cache->hashGet(hKey, hField);
	cache->hashDel(hKey, hField);
	cout<<"after hdel len:"<<cache->hashLen(hKey)
		<<",value"<<cache->hashGet(hKey, hField)<<endl;

	string sKey = "sKey";
	string sValue = "sValue";

	cache->sAdd(sKey, sValue);
	cout<<"after sAdd value:"<<cache->sPop(sKey)<<endl;
	cout<<"after sDel value:"<<cache->sPop(sKey)<<endl;

	string rKey = "rfoo";
	string rValue = "rValue", lValue = "lValue";
	cache->rPush(rKey, rValue);
	cout<<"test rPush end"<<endl;
	cache->lPush(rKey, lValue);
	cout<<"test lPush end"<<endl;
	string rRet;
	rRet = cache->lIndex(rKey, 1);
	cout<<"test lIndex end rRet:"<<rRet<<endl;
	int llen = cache->lLen(rKey);
	cout<<"test lLen end len:"<<llen<<endl;
	cout<<"test lIndex end 1:"<<rRet<<endl;
	rRet = cache->lPop(rKey);
	cout<<"after lPop ret:"<<rRet<<endl;
	cache->lSet(rKey, 0, "wbh");
	rRet = cache->rPop(rKey);
	cout<<"after lset rPop ret:"<<rRet<<endl;
	rRet = cache->rPop(rKey);
	cout<<"empty stack len:"<<cache->lLen(rKey)<<",ret:"<<cache->rPop(rKey)<<endl;
	cout<<"empty statck 0:"<<cache->lIndex(rKey, 0)<<endl;

	delete cache;
	return 0;



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