

MySQL system variable 'max_allowed_packet' is set to 1048576 Byte (1MB).

Please note that it will not be possible for OpenCms to handle files bigger than this value in the VFS.

Error while checking the server configuration!


Your 'max_allowed_packet' variable is set to less than 16777216 Byte (16MB).

The required value for running OpenCms is at least 16MB.Please change your MySQL configuration (in the my.ini or my.cnf file).


这个问题是由于导入的sql文件大于系统默认的max_allowed_packet的值,解决方法:比方在my.cnf改动添加到:max_allowed_packet=16M #或者更高。当然也能够在mysqld启动的时候添加这个參数。可是该变量必须在mysqld又一次启动的时候才载入生效,所以必须重起mysqld! 本人认为前者是最佳解决方法。




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