
学号:     姓名:      专业:


6.1 实验目的




6.2 实验要求





















6.3 实验数据要求


6.4 运行结果截图及说明

图1 测试(1)、(2)、(3)、(4)、(5)、(6)

图2 测试(1)、(2)、(3)、(4)、(5)、(6)

图3 测试(1)、(2)、(3)、(4)、(5)、(6)

图4 测试(1)、(2)、(3)、(4)、(5)、(6)

图5 测试(1)、(2)、(3)、(4)、(5)、(6)

图6 测试(1)、(2)、(3)、(4)、(5)、(6)

图7 测试(1)、(2)、(3)、(4)、(5)、(6)

图8 测试(1)、(2)、(3)、(4)、(5)、(6)

图9 测试(1)、(2)、(3)、(4)、(5)、(6)

图10 测试(1)、(2)、(3)、(4)、(5)、(6)

图11 测试(1)、(2)、(3)、(4)、(5)、(6)

图12 测试(1)、(2)、(3)、(4)、(5)、(6)

图13 测试(1)、(2)、(3)、(4)、(5)、(6)

图14 测试(1)、(2)、(3)、(4)、(5)、(6)

图15 测试(1)、(2)、(3)、(4)、(5)、(6)

图16 测试(1)、(2)、(3)、(4)、(5)、(6)

图17 测试(1)、(2)、(3)、(4)、(5)、(6)

图18 测试(1)、(2)、(3)、(4)、(5)、(6)

图19 测试(1)、(2)、(3)、(4)、(5)、(6)

图20 测试(1)、(2)、(3)、(4)、(5)、(6)

图21 测试(1)、(2)、(3)、(4)、(5)、(6)

图22 测试(1)、(2)、(3)、(4)、(5)、(6)

图23 测试(1)、(2)、(3)、(4)、(5)、(6)

图24 测试(7)

图25 测试(7)

图26 测试(7)

图27 测试(7)

图28 测试(7)

图29 测试(7)

图30 测试(7)

图31 测试(8)

图32 测试(8)

图33 测试(9)

图34 测试(9)

图35 测试(10)

图36 测试(10)

图37 测试(11)

图38 测试(11)

图39 测试(12)

图40 测试(12)

图41 测试(13)

图42 测试(13)

图43 测试(14)

图44 测试(14)

图45 测试(15)

图46 测试(15)

6.5 附源代码

 // stdafx.h : include file for standard system include files,
// or project specific include files that are used frequently, but
// are changed infrequently
// #if !defined(AFX_STDAFX_H__02F8C78B_9F6E_45FF_BFCE_7F99B5AC9359__INCLUDED_)
#define AFX_STDAFX_H__02F8C78B_9F6E_45FF_BFCE_7F99B5AC9359__INCLUDED_ #if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000 #include <stdc++.h>
#include <windows.h> using namespace std; typedef char elementType;
typedef int elementType1; typedef struct node
elementType data;//刚开始应该写成将data写成string或者直接将整个函数写成模板的,写完了最后测试时
struct node *leftChild, *rightChild;
}bitNode, *binTree; typedef struct charNode
//elementType data;
bitNode *data;//the type must be bitNode*
struct charNode *link;
}CLNode, *CPNode; //typedef struct charNode
//elementType data;
//struct charNode *leftChild, *rightChild;
//}charBitNode, *charBinTree; // TODO: reference additional headers your program requires here //{{AFX_INSERT_LOCATION}}
// Microsoft Visual C++ will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line. #endif // !defined(AFX_STDAFX_H__02F8C78B_9F6E_45FF_BFCE_7F99B5AC9359__INCLUDED_)
 // charLinkedQueue.h: interface for the charLinkedQueue class.
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if !defined(AFX_CHARLINKEDQUEUE_H__13C2F642_81C0_4489_9CF2_3D58D8B48EA9__INCLUDED_)
#define AFX_CHARLINKEDQUEUE_H__13C2F642_81C0_4489_9CF2_3D58D8B48EA9__INCLUDED_ #if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000 //刚开始尝试写英文注释的,后面知难而退了;不过原来的英文注释我保留了 class charLinkedQueue
virtual ~charLinkedQueue();
bool emptyCharLinkedQueue();
//bool fullSeqCircleQueue();
bool enQueue( bitNode *value );//the type must be bitNode*
bool deQueue( /*bitNode *value*/ );
bool getFront( bitNode *&value );//the type must be bitNode*&
int length();
friend ostream &operator<<( ostream &os, charLinkedQueue &clq )
if( ( scq._front - 1 ) % maxn == scq._rear )
return os;
int column = 0;
for( int i = scq._front; i % maxn != scq._rear; i = ( i + 1 ) % maxn )
os << setw(3) << setiosflags(ios::left) << scq.data[i] << " ";
column ++;
if( column % 10 == 0 )
os << endl;
os << endl;
if( clq._front == NULL )
return os;
CLNode *tmp = clq._front;
int column = ;
while( tmp != clq._rear->link )
os << setw() << setiosflags(ios::left) << tmp->data << " ";
column ++;
tmp = tmp->link;
if( column % == )
os << endl;
os << endl;
CLNode *_front;//the type must be CLNode*
CLNode *_rear;//the type must be CLNode*
}; #endif // !defined(AFX_CHARLINKEDQUEUE_H__13C2F642_81C0_4489_9CF2_3D58D8B48EA9__INCLUDED_)
 // _Binary_Tree.h: interface for the _Binary_Tree class.
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if !defined(AFX__BINARY_TREE_H__9381B15F_E185_4489_9415_360A22C0A4E2__INCLUDED_)
#define AFX__BINARY_TREE_H__9381B15F_E185_4489_9415_360A22C0A4E2__INCLUDED_ #if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000 #include "charLinkedQueue.h" //刚开始尝试写英文注释的,后面知难而退了;不过原来的英文注释我保留了 class _Binary_Tree
_Binary_Tree( elementType *Arr );//带参数的构造函数
void build( elementType *Arr );//从数组建立二叉树,相当于初始化;不带参数的构造函数无法适用于这里
void createNode( binTree BT, elementType *Arr, int number );//根据从数组读到的数据先序递归建树
virtual ~_Binary_Tree();//析构函数
bool createBinaryTree( binTree &BT, elementType stringLine[][], int length, int &row );//根据文本数据
bool readFileToArray( elementType stringLine[][], int &length );//将文本数据读入二维数组中
bool emptyBinaryTree();//二叉树判空,仅适用于带参数构造函数建立的二叉树
bool _exit( binTree BT, elementType value );//判断节点数据是否在二叉树中
binTree getNodePoint();//返回根节点地址
binTree getNodePoint( binTree BT, elementType value );//返回value在二叉树中的地址
binTree getParent( binTree BT, elementType value );//返回value的父母
void PreOrderTraverse(binTree BT);//前序遍历
void InOrderTraverse(binTree BT);//中序遍历
void PostOrderTraverse(binTree BT);//后序遍历
void levelOrderTraverse(binTree BT);//层次遍历
void destroy( binTree BT );//销毁二叉树
void level( binTree BT, int number );//求二叉树中各个节点的层次
int height( binTree BT );//求二叉树高度
int numberOfBTreeNode( binTree BT );//返回二叉树节点总数
int numberOfBTreeLeafNode( binTree BT, int &number );//返回二叉树叶节点个数
void numberOfNodeDegreeTwo( binTree BT, int &number );//求二叉树中度为2的节点个数
//void family( binTree BT, elementType1 number );
void getParent( binTree BT, elementType value, bool &flag );//求value的父节点
void getSibling( binTree BT, elementType value, bool &flag );//when call the function, the parameter flag
//must be assigned for false
void getSibling( binTree BT, elementType value );//求value的兄弟节点,法2
void getChild( binTree BT, elementType value, bool &flag );//求value孩子节点
int levelJudge( binTree BT, elementType value, int &number, int level );//返回value节点的层次
void exchangeLeftAndRightSibling( binTree BT );//交换左右子树
void copyBTree( binTree BT1, binTree BT );//复制二叉树
charLinkedQueue clq;//包含
void allLeafToRootPath( binTree BT, elementType *path, int &pathLength );//求所有叶节点到根节点路径
void binaryTreeLongestPath( binTree BT, elementType *path, int &pathLength,
elementType *longestPath, int &longestLength );//求叶节点到根节点的最长路径
binTree nearestAncestor( binTree BT, bitNode *BNode1, bitNode *BNode2 );//求两个节点的最近祖先
bitNode *BTree; }; #endif // !defined(AFX__BINARY_TREE_H__9381B15F_E185_4489_9415_360A22C0A4E2__INCLUDED_)
 // charLinkedQueue.cpp: implementation of the charLinkedQueue class.
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "stdafx.h"
#include "charLinkedQueue.h" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Construction/Destruction
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// charLinkedQueue::charLinkedQueue()
_front = _rear = NULL;
} charLinkedQueue::~charLinkedQueue()
CLNode *tmp = NULL;
while( _front != _rear )
tmp = _front;
_front = _front->link;
delete tmp;
cout << "The charLinkedQueue destruction has been called!" << endl;
} bool charLinkedQueue::emptyCharLinkedQueue()
return _front == NULL;
} bool charLinkedQueue::enQueue( bitNode *value )
CLNode *newNode = new CLNode;
if( !newNode )
cerr << "Space allocating falied!Error in charLinkedQueue::enQueue()!" << endl;
return false;
newNode->data = value;
newNode->link = NULL;
if( emptyCharLinkedQueue() )
_front = _rear = newNode;
_rear->link = newNode;
_rear = newNode;
return true;
} bool charLinkedQueue::deQueue( /*elementType &value*/ )
if( emptyCharLinkedQueue() )
cerr << "Node deleting falied!Error in charLinkedQueue::deQueue()!" << endl;
return false;
CLNode *tmp = _front;
//value = _front->data;
_front = _front->link;
delete tmp;
if( _front == NULL )
_rear = NULL;
return true;
} bool charLinkedQueue::getFront( bitNode *&value )
if( emptyCharLinkedQueue() )
cerr << "Queue is empty!\nNode-data acquiring falied!Error in charLinkedQueue::deQueue()!" << endl;
return false;
value = _front->data;//原来我是注释掉的,导致输出一直是A;
return true;
} int charLinkedQueue::length()
if( emptyCharLinkedQueue() )
cerr << "Queue is empty!" << endl;
return -;
CLNode *tmp = _front;
int _size = ;
while( tmp != NULL )
tmp = tmp->link;
_size ++;
return _size;
 // _Binary_Tree.cpp: implementation of the _Binary_Tree class.
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "stdafx.h"
#include "_Binary_Tree.h"
#include "charLinkedQueue.h" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Construction/Destruction
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// _Binary_Tree::_Binary_Tree() //新建一个结点
//BTree = NULL;
BTree = new bitNode;
BTree->leftChild = BTree->rightChild = NULL;
} _Binary_Tree::~_Binary_Tree()
} _Binary_Tree::_Binary_Tree( elementType *Arr )
BTree = NULL;
} void _Binary_Tree::build( elementType *Arr )
if( Arr[] == '^' )
BTree = NULL;
BTree = new bitNode;
BTree->leftChild = NULL;
BTree->rightChild = NULL;
BTree->data = Arr[];
createNode( BTree, Arr, );
} void _Binary_Tree::createNode( binTree BT, elementType *Arr, int number )
bitNode *tmp = new bitNode;
if( Arr[ number * + ] != '^' )
BT->leftChild =new bitNode ;
tmp = BT->leftChild;
tmp->data = Arr[ number * + ];
tmp->leftChild = NULL;
tmp->rightChild = NULL;
createNode( tmp, Arr, number * + );
if( Arr[ number * + ] != '^' )
BT->rightChild =new bitNode ;
tmp = BT->rightChild;
tmp->data = Arr[ number * + ];
tmp->leftChild = NULL;
tmp->rightChild = NULL;
createNode( tmp, Arr, number * + );
} bool _Binary_Tree::createBinaryTree( binTree &BT, elementType stringLine[][], int length, int &row )
if (row >= length || length == ) //strlen存数据的二维数组,nRow结点所在的位数,nlen结点的个数
return false;
if ( row == )
BT = BTree;
BT = new bitNode;//new下面是公用的,用if的目的是改变private里BTree里的值
BT->data = stringLine[row][];
BT->leftChild = NULL;
BT->rightChild = NULL; int nextRow = row;
if ( stringLine[nextRow][] == '' )
++ row;
createBinaryTree( BT->leftChild, stringLine, length, row );
if ( stringLine[nextRow][] == '' )
createBinaryTree( BT->rightChild, stringLine, length, row );
return true;
} bool _Binary_Tree::readFileToArray( elementType stringLine[][], int &length )
FILE *fp;
char str[]; cout << "Please input the file name(belike includes the file path):" << endl;
char name[];// = "bt10.btr";
cin >> name;
fp = fopen( name, "r" );
if (!fp)
cout << "Error!" << endl;
return false;
if (fgets(str, , fp) != NULL)
if (strcmp(str, "BinaryTree\n") != )
cout << "Error!" << endl;
return false;
length = ;
while (fscanf(fp, "%c %c %c\n", &stringLine[length][], &stringLine[length][], &stringLine[length][]) != EOF)
length ++;
return true;
} bool _Binary_Tree::emptyBinaryTree()
//return BTree->leftChild == NULL && BTree->rightChild == NULL;
return BTree == NULL;
} bool _Binary_Tree::_exit( binTree BT, elementType value )
return false;
//return NULL;
if( BT->data == value )
return true;
//return BT;
//bitNode *index = _exit( BT->leftChild, value );
bool flag = _exit( BT->leftChild, value );
//_exit( BT->leftChild, value );
_exit( BT->rightChild, value );
} binTree _Binary_Tree::getNodePoint()
//if( emptyBinaryTree() )
//throw "Empty binary tree!Error in binTree _Binary_Tree::getNodePoint()!\n";
//return NULL;
return (*this).BTree;
} binTree _Binary_Tree::getNodePoint( binTree BT, elementType value )
return NULL;
if( BT->data == value )
return BT;
bitNode *tmp;
if( tmp = getNodePoint( BT->leftChild, value ) )
return tmp;
if( tmp = getNodePoint( BT->rightChild, value ) )
return tmp;
return NULL;
return NULL;
if( BT->data == value )
return BT;
//getNodePoint( BT->leftChild, value );
//getNodePoint( BT->rightChild, value ); bitNode *tmp = getNodePoint( BT->leftChild, value );
getNodePoint( BT->rightChild, value );
//follow statement can't be added to the code
//return tmp;
} void _Binary_Tree::PreOrderTraverse(binTree BT)
//if( emptyBinaryTree() )
// {
//throw "Empty binary tree!Error in void _Binary_Tree::PreOrderTraverse(binTree BT) !\n";
if (BT)
cout << BT->data << " ";
} void _Binary_Tree::InOrderTraverse(binTree BT)
if (BT)
cout << BT->data << " ";
//return 0;
} void _Binary_Tree::PostOrderTraverse( binTree BT )
if (BT)
cout << BT->data << " ";
} void _Binary_Tree::destroy( binTree BT )
destroy( BT->leftChild );
destroy( BT->rightChild );
delete BT;
} void _Binary_Tree::level( binTree BT, int number )
{ if(BT)
level( BT->leftChild, number + );
///number +=3;
//cout << number << endl;
cout << BT->data << " level: " << number << endl; level( BT->rightChild, number + );
//number -=2;
//number --;
} int _Binary_Tree::height( binTree BT )
return ;
int i = height( BT->leftChild );
int j = height( BT->rightChild );
return i < j ? j + : i + ; }
} int _Binary_Tree::numberOfBTreeNode( binTree BT )
return ;
return numberOfBTreeNode( BT->leftChild ) + numberOfBTreeNode( BT->rightChild ) + ;
} int _Binary_Tree::numberOfBTreeLeafNode( binTree BT, int &number )
return ;
if( !BT->leftChild && !BT->rightChild )
//number += 1;
number ++;
//return 1;
numberOfBTreeLeafNode( BT->leftChild, number );
numberOfBTreeLeafNode( BT->rightChild, number );
return number;
} void _Binary_Tree::numberOfNodeDegreeTwo( binTree BT, int &number )
if( BT->leftChild && BT->rightChild )
//number += 1;
number += ;
//return 1;
numberOfNodeDegreeTwo( BT->leftChild, number );
numberOfNodeDegreeTwo( BT->rightChild, number );
//return numberOfNodeDegreeTwo( BT->leftChild, number ) + numberOfNodeDegreeTwo( BT->rightChild, number );
//return number;
} /*
void _Binary_Tree::family( binTree BT, elementType1 number )
if( BT->leftChild->data == number || BT->rightChild->data == number )
cout << "parent ---- " << BT->data << endl;
if( BT->leftChild->data == number && BT->rightChild )
cout << "rights sibling ---- " << BT->rightChild->data << endl;
if( BT->leftChild && BT->rightChild->data == number )
cout << "left sibling ---- " << BT->leftChild->data << endl;
if( BT->data == number && ( BT->leftChild || BT->rightChild ) )
cout << ( BT->leftChild ? "left child ---- " : true ) << endl;
cout << ( BT->rightChild ? "right child ---- " : true ) << endl;
family( BT->leftChild, number );
family( BT->rightChild, number );
//if( BT->data == number && BT-)
//if( BT->leftChild->data == number &&)
*/ //bool _Binary_Tree::getParent( binTree BT, elementType number, bool flag )
void _Binary_Tree::getParent( binTree BT, elementType value, bool &flag )
//return false;
if( ( BT->leftChild && BT->leftChild->data == value ) || ( BT->rightChild ) && ( BT->rightChild->data == value ) )
flag = true;
cout << value << " Parent ---- " << BT->data << endl;
//return true;
if( BT && BT->rightChild->data == number )
cout << "parent ---- " << BT->data << endl;
return true;
getParent( BT->leftChild, value, flag );
getParent( BT->rightChild, value, flag );
} binTree _Binary_Tree::getParent( binTree BT, elementType value )
{ if( !_exit( BT, value ) )
cerr << value << " is not in the binary tree!" << endl;
cerr << "Error in binTree _Binary_Tree::getParent( binTree BT, elementType value )!" << endl;
return NULL;
} if(!BT)
return NULL;
if( BT->data == value )
return BT;
if( ( BT->leftChild && BT->leftChild->data == value ) || ( BT->rightChild && BT->rightChild->data == value ) )//|| BT->rightChild->data == value )
return BT;
bitNode *tmp = getParent( BT->leftChild, value );
getParent( BT->rightChild, value );
} void _Binary_Tree::getSibling( binTree BT, elementType value, bool &flag )
cout << value << " No LeftSibling!" << endl << value << " No RightSibling!" << endl;
if( !flag && !BT->leftChild )//|| !BT->rightChild )//write as "if(!BT)" would result error
{ if( BT->rightChild )
getSibling( BT->rightChild, value, flag );
//cout << value << " No LeftSibling!" << endl;
return;//why would deleting the statement cause error!
} if( !flag && !BT->rightChild )
{ if( BT->leftChild )
getSibling( BT->leftChild, value, flag ); }
//cout << value << "No LeftSibling!" << endl;
//cout << value << " No RightSibling!" << endl;
return; }
return;//why would deleting the statement cause error!
if( BT->rightChild->data == value )
if( BT->leftChild )
flag = true;
cout << value << " LeftSibling ---- " << BT->leftChild->data << endl;
else if( !BT->leftChild )
cout << value << " No LeftSibling!" << endl;
} }
if( BT->leftChild->data == value )
if( BT->rightChild )
flag = true;
cout << value << " RightSibling ---- " << BT->rightChild->data << endl;
else if( !BT->rightChild )
cout << value << " No RightSibling!" << endl;
getSibling( BT->leftChild, value, flag );
if( !flag && BT->rightChild )
getSibling( BT->rightChild, value, flag );
} void _Binary_Tree::getSibling( binTree BT, elementType value )
bitNode *parent = getParent( BT, value ); if( BT->data == value )
cout << value << " is the root node,neither left sibling also useless right sibling!" << endl;
if( !_exit( BT, value ) )
cout << value << " is not in the binary-tree!" << endl;
cerr << "Error in void _Binary_Tree::getSibling( binTree BT, elementType value )!" << endl;
if( parent->leftChild && parent->leftChild->data == value )
if( parent->rightChild )
cout << value << " RightSibling ---- " << parent->rightChild->data << endl;
cout << value << " No RightSibling!" << endl;
if( parent->rightChild && parent->rightChild->data == value )
if( parent->leftChild )
cout << value << " LeftSibling ---- " << parent->leftChild->data << endl;
cout << value << " No LeftSibling!" << endl;
} void _Binary_Tree::getChild( binTree BT, elementType value, bool &flag )//It costed me several minutes to
{ //write and almost one hour to
/* //perfect the function
if( BT->leftChild )
getChild( BT->leftChild, value, flag );
if( BT->rightChild )
getChild( BT->rightChild, value, flag );
*/ /*
if( !BT->leftChild )//|| !BT->rightChild )
cout << "No LeftChild! " << endl;
flag = true;
cout << "No LeftChild! " << endl;
flag = false;
if( !BT->rightChild )
cout << "No RightChild! " << endl;
flag = true;
cout << "No RightChild! " << endl;
flag = false;
// {
// return;
// }
if( !_exit( BT, value ) )
cerr << value << " is not in the binary tree!\nError in void _Binary_Tree::getChild( binTree BT, elementType value, bool &flag )" << endl;
if( BT->data == value )//at first I neglected this detail that resulted wrong judgement at root-node
if( BT->leftChild )
flag = true;
cout << value << " LeftChild ---- " << BT->leftChild->data << endl; }
cout << "No LeftChild!" << endl; }
if( BT->rightChild )
flag = true;
cout << value << " RightChild ---- " << BT->rightChild->data << endl;
cout << "No RightChild! " << endl;
if( !BT->leftChild )
if( BT->rightChild )
getChild( BT->rightChild, value, flag );
flag = false;
if( !BT->rightChild )
if( BT->leftChild )
getChild( BT->leftChild, value, flag );
// flag = false;
flag = false;
if( BT->rightChild->data == value )
if( BT->rightChild->leftChild )
flag = true;
cout << value << " LeftChild ---- " << BT->rightChild->leftChild->data << endl;
cout << "No LeftChild!" << endl;
if( BT->rightChild->rightChild )
flag = true;
cout << value << " RightChild ---- " << BT->rightChild->rightChild->data << endl;
cout << "No RightChild! " << endl;
//flag = false;
// return;
if( BT->leftChild->data == value )
if( BT->leftChild->leftChild )
flag = true;
cout << value << " LeftChild ---- " << BT->leftChild->leftChild->data << endl;
cout << "No LeftChild!" << endl;
if( BT->leftChild->rightChild )
flag = true;
cout << value << " RightChild ---- " << BT->leftChild->rightChild->data << endl;
cout << "No RightChild! " << endl;
//flag = false;
// return;
getChild( BT->leftChild, value, flag );
getChild( BT->rightChild, value, flag );
} int _Binary_Tree::levelJudge( binTree BT, elementType value, int &number, int level )
bitNode *position = getNodePoint( getNodePoint(), value );
cout << "The value you typed is not in the binary tree!" << endl;
//return -1;
number = -;
return number;
int level;
if ( BT == NULL )
return 0;
else if ( BT->data == value )
return number;
number ++;
level = levelJudge( BT->leftChild, value, number );
if ( level != 0 )
return number;
//number ++;
return levelJudge( BT->rightChild, value, number );
if( BT->data == value )
//number ++;
number = level;
//number ++;
levelJudge( BT->leftChild, value, number, level + );
//number ++;
levelJudge( BT->rightChild, value, number, level + );
} void _Binary_Tree::exchangeLeftAndRightSibling( binTree BT )
if( BT && BT->leftChild && BT->rightChild )
bitNode *tmp = BT->leftChild;
BT->leftChild = BT->rightChild;
BT->rightChild = tmp;
exchangeLeftAndRightSibling( BT->leftChild );
exchangeLeftAndRightSibling( BT->rightChild );
} void _Binary_Tree::copyBTree( binTree BT1, binTree BT )
bitNode *tmp = NULL;//new bitNode;
BT1->data = BT->data;
if( BT->leftChild )
BT1->leftChild = new bitNode;
tmp = BT1->leftChild;
tmp->leftChild = NULL;
tmp->rightChild = NULL;
copyBTree( tmp, BT->leftChild );
if( BT->rightChild )
BT1->rightChild = new bitNode;
tmp = BT1->rightChild;
tmp->leftChild = NULL;
tmp->rightChild = NULL;
copyBTree( tmp, BT->rightChild );
} void _Binary_Tree::levelOrderTraverse( binTree BT )
while( !clq.emptyCharLinkedQueue() )
//CLNode *tmp = NULL;
cout << BT->data << " ";
if( BT->leftChild != NULL )
clq.enQueue( BT->leftChild );
if( BT->rightChild != NULL )
clq.enQueue( BT->rightChild );
} void _Binary_Tree::allLeafToRootPath( binTree BT, char *path, int &pathLength )
if( !BT->leftChild && !BT->rightChild )
path[pathLength] = BT->data;
cout << BT->data << " leaf to root path: " << endl;
for( int i = pathLength; i >= ; i -- )
if( i != )
cout << path[i] << " --> ";
cout << path[i] << "\n";
//cout << endl;
path[ pathLength ++ ] = BT->data;
allLeafToRootPath( BT->leftChild, path, pathLength );
allLeafToRootPath( BT->rightChild, path, pathLength );
pathLength --;
} void _Binary_Tree::binaryTreeLongestPath( binTree BT, elementType *path, int &pathLength,
elementType *longestPath, int &longestLength )
if( !BT->leftChild && !BT->rightChild )
path[pathLength] = BT->data;
if( pathLength > longestLength)
//cout << BT->data << " leaf to root path: " << endl;
//longestPath = pathLength;
for( int i = pathLength; i >= ; i -- )
if( i != 0 )
cout << path[i] << " --> ";
cout << path[i] << "\n";
longestPath[i] = path[i];
longestLength = pathLength;
//longestLength = pathLength;
//cout << endl;
path[ pathLength ++ ] = BT->data;
binaryTreeLongestPath( BT->leftChild, path, pathLength, longestPath, longestLength );
binaryTreeLongestPath( BT->rightChild, path, pathLength, longestPath, longestLength );
pathLength --;
} binTree _Binary_Tree::nearestAncestor( binTree BT, bitNode *BNode1, bitNode *BNode2 )
// if( !_exit( BT, BNode1->data ) )
// cout << BNode1->data << " is not in the binary tree!" << endl;
// return NULL;
//if( !_exit( BT, BNode2->data ) )
// cout << BNode2->data << " is not in the binary tree!" << endl;
// return NULL;
if( !BT || !BNode1 || !BNode2 )
//cout << "NO ANCESTOR!" << endl;
return NULL;
if( BT == BNode1 || BT == BNode2 )
//cout << BT->data << endl;
return BT;
bitNode *left = nearestAncestor( BT->leftChild, BNode1, BNode2 );
bitNode *right = nearestAncestor( BT->rightChild, BNode1, BNode2 );
if( left && right )
//cout << BT->data << endl;
return BT;
else if(!left)
//cout << right->data << endl;
return right;
//cout << left->data << endl;
return left;
 // BinaryTree.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
// #include "stdafx.h"
#include "_Binary_Tree.h"
#include "charLinkedQueue.h" void test1()
_Binary_Tree BT1;
elementType strLine[][];
int nRow = , nLen = ;
binTree index;
//BT1._Binary_Tree(); BT1.createBinaryTree( index,strLine, nLen, nRow); cout << "The preorder traversal of sequence is" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "The middle order traversal of sequence is" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "The post order traversal of sequence is" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "The level order traversal of sequence is" << endl;
BT1.levelOrderTraverse( BT1.getNodePoint() );
cout << endl;
int n = ;
BT1.level( BT1.getNodePoint() , n );
cout << "BTree height: "<< BT1.height( BT1.getNodePoint() ) << endl;
cout << "Total node: " << BT1.numberOfBTreeNode( BT1.getNodePoint() ) << endl;
int m = ;
cout << "Leaf node: " << BT1.numberOfBTreeLeafNode( BT1.getNodePoint(), m ) << endl;
int a = ;
BT1.numberOfNodeDegreeTwo( BT1.getNodePoint(), a );
cout << "Node degree two: " << a << endl;
} void test2()
_Binary_Tree BT1;
elementType strLine[][];
int nRow = , nLen = ;
binTree index;
//BT1._Binary_Tree(); BT1.createBinaryTree( index,strLine, nLen, nRow);
char ch;
int key;
cout << "Please input a letter as operational character and a number to choose the operation,separated by space.\n\"1\" for searching parent-node,\"2\" for searching sibiling-node and \"3\" for searching child-node." << endl;
while( cin>> ch >> key )
if( key == )
bool flag = false;
bitNode *index = NULL;
index = BT1.getParent( BT1.getNodePoint(), ch );
if( index && index != BT1.getNodePoint() )
cout << ch << " parent ---- " << index->data << endl;
else if( index && index->data == ch )
cout << ch << " is the root node, no parent." << endl;
else if(index)
cout << ch << " parent ---- " << index->data << endl;
else if( key == )
BT1.getSibling( BT1.getNodePoint(), ch );
else if( key == )
bool flag;
BT1.getChild( BT1.getNodePoint(), ch, flag );
//Sleep( 1000 * 60 );
//system( "cls" );
//cout << "Please input a letter as operational character and a number to choose the operation,separated by space.\n\"1\" for searching parent-node,\"2\" for searching sibiling-node and \"3\" for searching child-node." << endl;
} void test3()
_Binary_Tree BT1;
elementType strLine[][];
int nRow = , nLen = ;
binTree index;
//BT1._Binary_Tree(); BT1.createBinaryTree( index,strLine, nLen, nRow); elementType value;
int cnt = ;
cout << "Please input a letter and the program will judge it in which layer of the binary-tree!" << endl;
while( cin >> value )
int number = ;
BT1.levelJudge( BT1.getNodePoint(), value , number, );
cout << value << " ---- " << number << " level!" << endl;
cnt ++;
//Sleep( 1000 * 60 );
if( cnt % == )
system( "cls" ); cout << "Please input a letter and the program will judge it in which layer of the binary-tree!" << endl;
} void test4()
elementType str[];
cout << "Please input a character array that will be transformed to the elements of a binary tree.\nAttention the typed array must extend for the complete binary tree!" << endl;
while( cin >> str )
_Binary_Tree BT1(str);
cout << "The preorder traversal of sequence is" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "The middle order traversal of sequence is" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "The post order traversal of sequence is" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "The level order traversal of sequence is" << endl;
BT1.levelOrderTraverse( BT1.getNodePoint() );
cout << endl;
int n = ;
BT1.level( BT1.getNodePoint() , n );
cout << "BTree height: "<< BT1.height( BT1.getNodePoint() ) << endl;
cout << "Total node: " << BT1.numberOfBTreeNode( BT1.getNodePoint() ) << endl;
int m = ;
cout << "Leaf node: " << BT1.numberOfBTreeLeafNode( BT1.getNodePoint(), m ) << endl;
int a = ;
BT1.numberOfNodeDegreeTwo( BT1.getNodePoint(), a );
cout << "Node degree two: " << a << endl;
Sleep( * );
system( "cls" );
cout << "Please input a character array that will be transformed to the elements of a binary tree.\nAttention the typed array must extend for the complete binary tree!" << endl;
} void test5()
_Binary_Tree BT1;
elementType strLine[][];
int nRow = , nLen = ;
binTree index;
//BT1._Binary_Tree(); BT1.createBinaryTree( index,strLine, nLen, nRow);
cout << "The program will exchange the left subtree and right subtree of the file-inputed binary tree!" << endl;
cout << "The origin binary tree is as follow:" << endl; cout << "The preorder traversal of sequence is" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "The middle order traversal of sequence is" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "The post order traversal of sequence is" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "The level order traversal of sequence is" << endl;
BT1.levelOrderTraverse( BT1.getNodePoint() );
cout << endl; BT1.exchangeLeftAndRightSibling( BT1.getNodePoint() );
cout << "The following for the exchange of binary tree:" << endl;
cout << "The preorder traversal of sequence is" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "The middle order traversal of sequence is" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "The post order traversal of sequence is" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "The level order traversal of sequence is" << endl;
BT1.levelOrderTraverse( BT1.getNodePoint() );
cout << endl;
} void test6()
_Binary_Tree BT1;
elementType strLine[][];
int nRow = , nLen = ;
binTree index;
//BT1._Binary_Tree(); BT1.createBinaryTree( index,strLine, nLen, nRow);
cout << "The program will copy the file-inputed binary tree to another empty one!" << endl;
_Binary_Tree BT2; cout << "The origin binary tree is as follow:" << endl;
cout << "The preorder traversal of sequence is" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "The middle order traversal of sequence is" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "The post order traversal of sequence is" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "The level order traversal of sequence is" << endl;
BT1.levelOrderTraverse( BT1.getNodePoint() );
cout << endl; cout << "The empty binary tree is as follow:" << endl; cout << "The preorder traversal of sequence is" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "The middle order traversal of sequence is" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "The post order traversal of sequence is" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "The level order traversal of sequence is" << endl;
BT2.levelOrderTraverse( BT2.getNodePoint() );
cout << endl; cout << "The following for the copy of binary tree:" << endl; BT1.copyBTree( BT2.getNodePoint(), BT1.getNodePoint() ); cout << "The preorder traversal of sequence is" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "The middle order traversal of sequence is" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "The post order traversal of sequence is" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "The level order traversal of sequence is" << endl;
BT2.levelOrderTraverse( BT2.getNodePoint() );
cout << endl; } void test7()
_Binary_Tree BT1;
elementType strLine[][];
int nRow = , nLen = ;
binTree index;
//BT1._Binary_Tree(); BT1.createBinaryTree( index,strLine, nLen, nRow);
cout << "The program will output the paths that each leaf node of the binary tree to the root node." << endl; cout << "The origin binary tree is as follow:" << endl;
cout << "The preorder traversal of sequence is" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "The middle order traversal of sequence is" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "The post order traversal of sequence is" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "The level order traversal of sequence is" << endl;
BT1.levelOrderTraverse( BT1.getNodePoint() );
cout << endl; int pathLength = ;
elementType *path = new char[ BT1.numberOfBTreeNode( BT1.getNodePoint() ) ];
BT1.allLeafToRootPath( BT1.getNodePoint(), path, pathLength ); } void test8()
_Binary_Tree BT1;
elementType strLine[][];
int nRow = , nLen = ;
binTree index;
//BT1._Binary_Tree(); BT1.createBinaryTree( index,strLine, nLen, nRow);
cout << "The program will ouput the level order traversal of the file-inputed binary tree." << endl;
cout << "The level order traversal of sequence is" << endl;
BT1.levelOrderTraverse( BT1.getNodePoint() );
cout << endl;
} void test9()
_Binary_Tree BT1;
char strLine[][];
int nRow = , nLen = ;
binTree index;
//BT1._Binary_Tree(); BT1.createBinaryTree( index,strLine, nLen, nRow); cout << "Please input two character and the program will output their nearset ancestor." << endl;
elementType ch1, ch2;
while( cin >> ch1 >> ch2 )
//BT1.nearestAncestor( binTree BT, bitNode *BNode1, bitNode *BNode2 );
bitNode *index1 = BT1.getNodePoint( BT1.getNodePoint(), ch1 ); if(!index1)
cout << ch1 << " is not in the binary tree!" << endl;
} bitNode *index2 = BT1.getNodePoint( BT1.getNodePoint(), ch2 ); if(!index2)
cout << ch2 << " is not in the binary tree!" << endl;
} if( index1 && index2 )
bitNode *target = BT1.nearestAncestor( BT1.getNodePoint(), index1, index2 );
cout << "The nearset ancestor of " << ch1 << " and " << ch2 << " is " << target->data << endl;
cout << "Please input two character and the program will output their nearset ancestor." << endl;
} void test10()
_Binary_Tree BT1;
char strLine[][];
int nRow = , nLen = ;
binTree index;
//BT1._Binary_Tree(); BT1.createBinaryTree( index,strLine, nLen, nRow);
cout << "The program will output the longest path of the binary tree." << endl;
int pathLength = , longestLength = ;
elementType *path1 = new char[ BT1.numberOfBTreeNode( BT1.getNodePoint() ) ];
elementType *longestPath = new char[ BT1.numberOfBTreeNode( BT1.getNodePoint() ) ];
BT1.binaryTreeLongestPath( BT1.getNodePoint(), path1, pathLength, longestPath, longestLength );
cout << "Longest path:" << endl;
for( int i = longestLength; i >= ; i -- )
if( i!= )
cout << longestPath[i] << " --> ";
cout << longestPath[i] << endl; }
} int main(int argc, char* argv[])
return ;

6.6 调试过程中出现的bug总结







A 0 1

B 0 1

C 0 1

D 0 0



1 1 1

2 1 1

3 1 1

4 0 0

5 0 0

6 0 1

7 0 0

8 0 0



a 1 1

b 1 1

d 0 0

e 1 1

g 0 0

h 0 0

c 1 0

f 0 1

i 0 0



A  1  1

B  1  1

C  0  0

D  1  0

E  0  0

F  1  1

G  0  1

H  0  0

I  1  0

J  0  0



A  1  1

B  1  1

C  0  0

D  1  1

E  0  0

F  0  0

G  1  1

H  1  1

I  0  0

J  1  0

K  0  0

L  0  0



A  1  0

B  1  1

C  1  1

D  0  1

E  0  0

F  1  0

G  0  1

H  0  0

I  1  0

J  1  1

K  0  0

L  1  0

M  1  0

N  0  0



A  1  1

B  1  1

D  1  0

G  0  0

E  1  1

H  0  0

I  0  0

C  0  1

F  1  1

J  1  1

L  0  0

M  0  1

N  1  0

O  0  0

K  0  0



a  1  1

b  1  1

c  1  1

d  1  1

e  0  0

f  0  0

g  0  0

h  1  1

i  0  0

j  0  0

k  1  1

l  1  1

m  0  0

n  0  0

o  1  1

p  0  1

q  0  0

r  1  1

s  0  0

t  1  0

u  0  0



a  1  1

b  1  1

c  1  1

d  1  1

e  0  0

f  0  0

g  1  0

h  0  0

i  1  1

j  0  1

k  0  0

l  1  0

m  0  0

n  1  1

o  1  1

p  1  1

q  0  0

r  0  0

s  0  0

t  1  1

u  1  1

v  0  0

w  0  0

x  1  1

y  0  0

z  0  0



a  1  1

b  1  1

c  1  1

d  0  1

e  1  1

f  0  1

g  0  0

h  1  1

i  0  0

j  0  0

k  1  1

l  0  0

m  0  0

n  1  1

o  0  0

p  0  0

q  1  1

r  0  1

s  1  1

t  0  0

u  0  0

v  1  1

w  0  1

x  0  0

y  0  1

z  0  0



a  1  1

b  1  1

c  1  1

d  0  0

e  0  0

f  1  1

g  0  0

h  0  0

i  1  1

j  1  1

k  0  0

l  0  0

m  1  1

n  0  0

o  0  0



a  1  1

b  1  1

c  1  1

d  1  1

e  0  0

f  0  0

g  1  1

h  0  0

i  0  0

j  1  1

k  1  1

l  0  0

m  0  0

n  1  1

o  0  0

p  0  0

q  1  1

r  1  1

s  1  1

t  0  0

u  0  0

v  1  1

w  0  0

x  0  0

y  1  1

z  1  1

1  0  0

2  0  0

3  1  1

4  0  0

5  0  0


  1. uboot补丁的使用
  2. mybatis(4)_二级缓存深入_使用第三方ehcache配置二级缓存
  3. 自定义AlertDialog的样式
  4. 让VS2010/VS2012添加新类时自动添加public关键字
  5. PHP实用的功能函数
  6. div居中问题
  7. Modules-nodejs
  8. ArcGIS Server 10.2 实战(二)动态修改要素数据的地理处理服务
  9. 使用yum快速升级CentOS 6.5内核到 3.10.28
  10. Prototype,创建型模式
  11. 绳关节(b2RopeJoint)
  12. Extjs 数据代理
  13. dcoker实战,使用docker部署NodeJs应用
  14. fixed和sticky
  15. cuda中threadIdx、blockIdx、blockDim和gridDim的使用
  16. AES CBC/CTR 加解密原理
  17. 【转载】6种.net分布式缓存解决方案
  18. IplImage的数据结构以及遍历方法
  19. 安装loadrunner11,卸载360浏览器后提示“无效的应用程序路径!请检查应用程序是否存在!”
  20. ”未能加载文件或程序集“Oracle.DataAccess”或它的某一个依赖项


  1. Shell 根据名称杀掉进程
  2. iOS7改变状态栏文字颜色
  3. 494 Target Sum 目标和
  4. [已读]基于MVC的Javascript Web 富应用开发
  5. C#中this指针的用法示例
  6. 关于java的Long 类型到js丢失精度的问题
  7. 5.iOS测试总结
  8. JS学习-事件响应小结-简单的计算器
  9. -bash: mysql: command not found 之 MAC
  10. 数据库系统概论(2)——Chap. 2 关系数据库基础