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$(function () {


height: 650,

showIndex: false,

colModel: [


header: '姓名',

name: 'PName',

width: 120,

align: 'center'



header: '性别',

name: 'PSex',

width: 120,

align: 'center'



header: '人员类型',

name: 'PType',

width: 120,

align: 'center'

},                 {

header: '身份证',

name: 'PNum',

width: 120,

align: 'center'



header: '家庭住址',

name: 'PHomeAddress',

width: 150,

align: 'center'

} ,


header: '现联系地址',

name: 'PAddress',

width: 150,

align: 'center'



header: '联系电话',

name: 'PTel',

width: 120,

align: 'center'

},                 {

header: '工作单位',

name: 'PWorkUnit',

width: 120,

align: 'center'                 },


header: '记录所在单位',

name: 'PUnitId',

width: 120,

align: 'center'                 },


header: '备注',

name: 'PNotes',

width: 120,

align: 'center'




</script> </head>


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