Chapter 5 Memory Management 内存管理

The 80386 transforms logical addresses (i.e., addresses as viewed by programmers) into physical address (i.e., actual addresses in physical memory) in two steps:


  • Segment translation, in which a logical address (consisting of a segment selector and segment offset) are converted to a linear address.


  • Page translation, in which a linear address is converted to a physical address. This step is optional, at the discretion of systems-software designers.


These translations are performed in a way that is not visible to applications programmers. Figure 5-1 illustrates the two translations at a high level of abstraction.


Figure 5-1 and the remainder of this chapter present a simplified view of the 80386 addressing mechanism. In reality, the addressing mechanism also includes memory protection features. For the sake of simplicity, however, the subject of protection is taken up in another chapter, Chapter 6.



  1. springMVC 相对于 Structs 的优势
  2. 关于Tomcat 6的热部署和热加载
  3. linux shell wc 命令
  4. 学c语言做练习之​统计文件中字符的个数
  5. linux C连接mysql
  6. java 生成条形码
  7. log4j之mybatis配置
  8. Maven 核心原理
  9. Python变量的本质与intern机制
  10. 吴恩达课后作业学习2-week3-tensorflow learning-1-例子学习
  11. win10间歇性的找不到usb设备
  12. KVM源代码阅读--内核版本3.17.4
  13. js获取鼠标点击事件的相对位置
  14. iOS block分析
  15. 王勇详谈 Linux Deepin 背后的故事
  16. 1.windows下Redis安装
  17. 基于JSP的在线考试系统-JavaWeb项目-有源码
  18. HTML 知识点总结
  19. [thinkphp] ajaxReturn案例
  20. 解决“<form>提交,CSRF验证失败。请求中止”


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  2. vue2的简单Popup (Confirm,Alert)组件
  3. PHP array_merge_recursive()
  4. ZMQ源代码分析(一)-- 基础数据结构的实现
  5. C++类库
  6. java中inputstream的使用
  7. CMDBuild安装及webservice接口的获取
  8. ios2--UIView的常见属性
  9. 关于EditText的android:maxLength属性的注意事项
  10. 排列(permutation) 用1,2,3,…,9组成3个三位数abc,def和ghi,每个数字恰好使用一次,要 求abc:def:ghi=1:2:3。按照“abc def ghi”的格式输出所有解,每行一个解。