1. Introduction.

1.1 In part
of this series of articles, I explained how managed arrays may be
transferred to unmanaged code as a SAFEARRAY.

1.2 In part 1, the SAFEARRAY was passed to
unmanaged code as an “in” (read-only) parameter.

1.3 Here in part 2, I shall continue the discussion this
time with the aim of showing how to return a SAFEARRAY from unmanaged code
to managed code as an “out” parameter.

1.4 As usual, throughout this article, we shall be
working only with single-dimensional managed arrays and SAFEARRAYs.

2. TestStructure, CSConsoleApp.tlb Type
Library and UnmanagedDll.DLL

2.1 We shall be using the same TestStructure struct that
we have developed in part 1.

2.2 We shall also continue to use
the CSConsoleApp.tlb type
library that was produced from the CSConsoleApp console application
solution that was presented in part 1.

2.3 We shall augment UnmanagedDll.dll with
some helper functions as well as a new exported API to be called in
the CSConsoleApp console application.

3. Unmanaged API that returns a SAFEARRAY of

3.1 The new exported function that we will expose
to C# takes as parameter a double pointer to a SAFEARRAY of TestStructure

3.2 This double pointer will be used to return a
SAFEARRAY of TestStructure UDTs to the caller. In our case, the caller will be
the interop marshaler which will transform the SAFEARRAY into a managed

3.3 The following is a full code listing of this
function :

#import "CSConsoleApp.tlb" raw_interfaces_only no_implementation
using namespace CSConsoleApp;
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional> extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void __stdcall GetArrayOfTestStructure
/*[out]*/ SAFEARRAY** ppSafeArrayReceiver
// Use an instance of the STL vector class to store
// instances of our structure.
std::vector<TestStructure> vecTestStructure;
TestStructure test_structure; // Set values to "test_structure".
test_structure.m_integer = 0;
test_structure.m_double = 0;
test_structure.m_string = ::SysAllocString(L"Hello World");
// When "test_structure" is inserted into
// the vector, a copy of "test_structure"
// is created and is then pushed into the
// vector.
vecTestStructure.push_back(test_structure); test_structure.m_integer = 1;
test_structure.m_double = 1.0;
test_structure.m_string = ::SysAllocString(L"Hello World");
vecTestStructure.push_back(test_structure); test_structure.m_integer = 2;
test_structure.m_double = 2.0;
test_structure.m_string = ::SysAllocString(L"Hello World");
vecTestStructure.push_back(test_structure); test_structure.m_integer = 3;
test_structure.m_double = 3.0;
test_structure.m_string = ::SysAllocString(L"Hello World");
vecTestStructure.push_back(test_structure); HRESULT hrRet;
IRecordInfoPtr spIRecordInfoTestStructure = NULL; hrRet = GetIRecordType
); CreateSafeArrayEx<TestStructure, VT_RECORD>
); // Before the end of this function, each of the TestStructure structs
// inside vecTestStructure must be cleared.
// This is because each

The following is a synopsis of this function

  • This function uses the STL vector to temporarily store
    TestStructure structs. Hence there is a need to #include
  • It repeatedly uses one single instance of the
    TestStructure struct (i.e. “test_structure”) for value setting and inserting
    into the vector of TestStructure (i.e. “vecTestStructure”).
  • Eventually “vecTestStructure” will contain 3
    TestStructure structs.
  • A helper function GetIRecordType() is used to obtain a
    reference to the IRecordInfo object associated with the TestStructure UDT (see
    section 4 for more details).
  • Another helper function CreateSafeArrayEx<>() is
    used to generate a SAFEARRAY of TestStructure from an input vector (see
    section 5 for more details).
  • Finally, before the function completes, we need to loop
    through the elements of the vecTestStructure vector and perform a clearing of
    each TestStructure struct contained in it. This will be explained in greater
    detail in section 8.

4. The GetIRecordType() Helpet

4.1 In this section, we shall explore the
GetIRecordType() helper function. Full source is listed below :

HRESULT GetIRecordType
LPCTSTR lpszTypeLibraryPath,
REFGUID refguid,
IRecordInfo** ppIRecordInfoReceiver
_bstr_t bstTypeLibraryPath = lpszTypeLibraryPath;
ITypeLib* pTypeLib = NULL;
ITypeInfo* pTypeInfo = NULL;
HRESULT hrRet = S_OK; *ppIRecordInfoReceiver = NULL; // Initialize receiver.
hrRet = LoadTypeLib((const OLECHAR FAR*)bstTypeLibraryPath, &pTypeLib); if (SUCCEEDED(hrRet))
if (pTypeLib)
hrRet = pTypeLib -> GetTypeInfoOfGuid(refguid, &pTypeInfo);
pTypeLib = NULL;
} if (pTypeInfo)
hrRet = GetRecordInfoFromTypeInfo(pTypeInfo, ppIRecordInfoReceiver);
pTypeInfo = NULL;
} return hrRet;

The following is a general synopsis :

  • It uses the LoadTypeLib() API to load a required type
  • If the type library loading is successful, a pointer to
    the ITypeLib interface associated with the type library will be
  • GetIRecordType() will then use the
    ITypeLib::GetTypeInfoOfGuid() method to obtain a reference to the ITypeInfo
    interface of an object, contained within the type library, which
    is associated with a GUID.
  • Then, assuming that the ITypeInfo object just acquired
    is that of a UDT, GetRecordInfoFromTypeInfo() is called to obtain a
    reference to a IRecordInfo interface which is associated with the

4.2 It is a pretty straightforward function which can be
repeatedly used to obtain an IRecordInfo interface associated with any UDT from
any type library.

4.3 Just ensure that the path to the type library is
specified correctly.

5. The CreateSafeArrayEx<>() Helper

5.1 In this section, we shall explore the
CreateSafeArrayEx<>() templated helper function. Full source is listed
below :

template <class T, VARTYPE v>
void CreateSafeArrayEx
T* lpT,
ULONG ulSize,
PVOID pvExtraInfo,
SAFEARRAY*& pSafeArrayReceiver
HRESULT hrRetTemp = S_OK;
SAFEARRAYBOUND rgsabound[1];
ULONG ulIndex = 0;
long lRet = 0; // Initialise receiver.
pSafeArrayReceiver = NULL; if (lpT)
rgsabound[0].lLbound = 0;
rgsabound[0].cElements = ulSize; pSafeArrayReceiver = (SAFEARRAY*)SafeArrayCreateEx
(unsigned int)1,
} if (pSafeArrayReceiver == NULL)
// If not able to create SafeArray,
// exit immediately.
} for (ulIndex = 0; ulIndex < ulSize; ulIndex++)
long lIndexVector[1]; lIndexVector[0] = ulIndex; SafeArrayPutElement
} return;

The following is a general synopsis of this function

  • The purpose of this function is to create a SAFEARRAY of
    a specific Variant Type which is specifiable by template parameter
  • The function also takes as parameter a pointer to an
    array of type “T” which is a template parameter.
  • “T” must, of course by compatible with
  • A general pointer to some object (“pvExtraInfo”) can be
    provided by the caller. This “pvExtraInfo” parameter will be passed to the
    SafeArrayCreateEx() API. Please refer to SafeArrayCreateEx() for
    more information on “pvExtraInfo”.
  • The CreateSafeArrayEx<>() function essentially
    uses the SafeArrayCreateEx() API to create the SAFEARRAY and then loops through
    the input array of type “T”.
  • Each element of the “T” array is inserted into the
    SAFEARRAY via SafeArrayPutElement().

5.2 The CreateSafeArrayEx<>() helper function can
be used to great effect when combined with STL vectors. This is demonstrated in
the GetArrayOfTestStructure() function of section 3.

6. Example C# Call to

6.1 The following shows how the
GetArrayOfTestStructure() API should be declared in a C# program :

[DllImport("UnmanagedDll.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
private static extern void GetArrayOfTestStructure
[Out] [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.SafeArray, SafeArraySubType = VarEnum.VT_RECORD)]
out TestStructure[] SafeArrayReceiver

Now note the use of the various attributes :

  • The OutAttribute is used to indicate to the interop
    marshaler that the “SafeArrayReceiver” parameter is to be marshaled
    single-directionally “out of” the function.
  • This also indicates to the interop marshaler that
    whatever form the counterpart parameter (i.e. the parameter of the
    unmanaged function) takes when it is returned from the unmanaged function, it
    will owned by the caller.
  • The way the MarshalAsAttribute is specified as well as
    the use of the OutAttribute indicate to the interop marshaler that the
    counterpart parameter will take the form of a double pointer to a
  • Finally, the “SafeArraySubType” field for the
    MarshalAsAttribute, being equal to “VarEnum.VT_RECORD”, indicates to the interop
    marshaler that the SAFEARRAY will contain
  • And since the “SafeArrayReceiver” parameter is typed as
    an array of TestStructure, the UDT must be the equivalent of the

6.2 The following is a sample C# function that makes a
call to GetArrayOfTestStructure() :

static void DoTest_GetArrayOfTestStructure()
TestStructure[] TestStructureArrayReceiver; GetArrayOfTestStructure(out TestStructureArrayReceiver); for (int i = 0; i < TestStructureArrayReceiver.Length; i++)
Console.WriteLine("TestStructureArrayReceiver[{0}].m_integer : [{1}]",
i, TestStructureArrayReceiver[i].m_integer);
Console.WriteLine("TestStructureArrayReceiver[{0}].m_double : [{1}]",
i, TestStructureArrayReceiver[i].m_double);
Console.WriteLine("TestStructureArrayReceiver[{0}].m_string : [{1:S}]",
i, TestStructureArrayReceiver[i].m_string);

The following is a synopsis :

  • An array of TestStructure (i.e.
    “TestStructureArrayReceiver”) is defined but not instantiated.
  • This is fine because the array will be passed as an
    “out” parameter to GetArrayOfTestStructure() and so the understanding is that it
    will be instantiated when GetArrayOfTestStructure() returns.
  • After GetArrayOfTestStructure() is called and returned,
    a loop is performed wherein the field values of each of TestStructure elements
    of the array is displayed.

6.3 The following is what will happen under the covers

  • When GetArrayOfTestStructure() is called, the interop
    marshaler will internally prepare a pointer to a SAFEARRAY,
    “pSafeArrayReceiver”, say.
  • The interop marshaler will then make a call to
    GetArrayOfTestStructure() and pass the address of “pSafeArrayReceiver” as
  • The GetArrayOfTestStructure() function will instantiate
    an actual SAFEARRAY and make “pSafeArrayReceiver” point to it.
  • When GetArrayOfTestStructure() returns, the interop
    marshaler will use the SAFEARRAY pointed to by “pSafeArrayReceiver” to
    internally create a managed array.
  • Various SAFEARRAY APIs will be used to extract dimension
    and bounds information from the SAFEARRAY.
  • When the managed array of TestStructure is finally
    created, the SAFEARRAY pointed to by “pSafeArrayReceiver” will be destroyed.
    Each TestStructure contained inside the SAFEARRAY will be destroyed by calling
    on the RecordDestroy() method using the IRecordInfo pointer which is already
    contained within the SAFEARRAY.

6.4 At runtime, the C# function
DoTest_GetArrayOfTestStructure() will produce the following expected output

TestStructureArrayReceiver[0].m_integer : [0]
TestStructureArrayReceiver[0].m_double : [0]
TestStructureArrayReceiver[0].m_string : [Hello World]
TestStructureArrayReceiver[1].m_integer : [1]
TestStructureArrayReceiver[1].m_double : [1]
TestStructureArrayReceiver[1].m_string : [Hello World]
TestStructureArrayReceiver[2].m_integer : [2]
TestStructureArrayReceiver[2].m_double : [2]
TestStructureArrayReceiver[2].m_string : [Hello World]
TestStructureArrayReceiver[3].m_integer : [3]
TestStructureArrayReceiver[3].m_double : [3]
TestStructureArrayReceiver[3].m_string : [Hello World]

7. Memory Management Issues in

7.1 We will now begin to examine the various memory
management issues that are significant in the exported GetArrayOfTestStructure()

7.2 Memory leakage problems exist but are not obvious. I
shall go through them as thoroughly as possible in the sections that

8. Storage of TestStructure Inside an STL

8.1 The STL vector, just like the
SAFEARRAY, employs “copy-semantics”. This means that when an item (most
notably an instance of a class or a structure) is inserted into the vector,
a complete copy of the item is created and then stored inside the

8.2 For instances of C++ classes, this would
result in the invokation of the class’ copy-constructor to generate a copy. If
no copy-constructor is available, a by-value copy of the object is
made by default.

8.3 This has important consequences for the
TestStructure struct. Note that the most important field of TestStructure is the
“m_string” field which is a BSTR. This field is instantiated using the
SysAllocString() API.

8.4 When inserted into the vecTestStructure
vector, a complete copy of the structure is made but TestStructure has no copy
constructors. Hence a value-for-value clone of the structure is made.

8.5 What does this mean for the
“m_string” BSTR member ? A BSTR is a pointer and so the pointer’s value (an
address) gets copied into the structure which is inserted into the vector.
Observe the following code :

// Set values to "test_structure".
test_structure.m_integer = 0;
test_structure.m_double = 0;
test_structure.m_string = ::SysAllocString(L"Hello World");
// When "test_structure" is inserted into
// the vector, a copy of "test_structure"
// is created and is then pushed into the
// vector.

First “test_structure.m_string” is assigned a
BSTR with value “Hello World”. Then when “test_structure” is inserted into
“vecTestStructure”, a value-for-value copy of “test_structure” is created.
The “m_string” field of both the original “test_structure” and the copy will
both point to the same BSTR.

8.6 Subsequent parts of the
GetArrayOfTestStructure() code re-uses “test_structure” and re-assigns its
“m_string” field. This is OK because the structure will again be inserted
into the vector and so a copy of the latest BSTR will be stored.

8.7 However when CreateSafeArrayEx<>() is
called later to create a SAFEARRAY from the vecTestStructure vector it will
be a different story as far as the “m_string” field is concerned. We will
cover this issue in the next section.

8.8 Meantime, because all eventually allocated BSTRs
will be stored inside “vecTestStructure”, before the end of the
GetArrayOfTestStructure() function, these must be freed.

8.9 This is done by iterating through the elements
of the “vecTestStructure” vector and calling IRecordInfo::RecordClear() on each
TestStructure struct. Doing so will cause SysFreeString to be called on the
“m_string” field.

8.10 In GetArrayOfTestStructure(), the iteration is done
using the std::for_each() function and using the clear_test_structure unary
functor :


8.11 The clear_test_structure function object is listed
below :

struct clear_test_structure : public std::unary_function<TestStructure, void>
// Constructor.
clear_test_structure(IRecordInfoPtr& refIRecordInfoPtr) :
} // Copy constructor.
clear_test_structure(const clear_test_structure& rhs) :
} void operator () (TestStructure& test_structure)
m_refIRecordInfoPtr -> RecordClear((PVOID)&test_structure);
} IRecordInfoPtr& m_refIRecordInfoPtr;

9. Copy-Semantics of a

9.1 The SAFEARRAY also adopts copy-semantics. However,
it employs a more intelligent form of copy-semantics.

9.2 When used to contain UDTs, the SAFEARRAY will make a
complete copy of any BSTRs or VARIANTs contained within the UDT. If the UDT
contains any pointers to interfaces, AddRef() will be called on these

9.3 This being the case and focusing on the
TestStructure struct, the original struct that gets inserted into a
SAFEARRAY and the copy within the SAFEARRAY will not share the same “m_string”
field. Each will contain its own copy of “m_string”.

9.4 Then, when the SAFEARRAY is destroyed,
all TestStructure structs contained within it will be destroyed.
This includes the “m_string” fields.

9.5 Hence, with reference to section 7, when
we iterate through the TestStructure’s of “vecTestStructure” and call
IRecordInfo::RecordClear() on each, the corresponding counterpart
TestStructure’s in the SAFEARRAY will not be affected.

10. Ownership of the Returned

10.1 Now the GetArrayOfTestStructure() function returns
the SAFEARRAY to its caller via an “out” parameter.

10.2 This means that it is the caller which will own the
SAFEARRAY. Hence the caller is responsible for its destruction after it has
finished using it.

10.3 In the case of our example, the owner of the
returned SAFEARRAY will be the interop marshaler of the CLR.

11. In Conclusion.

11.1 In part 2, I have demonstrated returning a
SAFEARRAY from an unmanaged function to managed code.

11.2 I have explained how the SAFEARRAY is used by the
interop marshaler to create an equivalent managed array. With memory ownership,
the interop marshaler is able to destroy the returned SAFEARRAY thus ensuring no
memory leakage.

11.3 Various memory management issues are studied
(sections 7 through 8) and the storage mechanism of SAFEARRAYs explained
(section 9).

11.4 Finally, we learnt how, with memory ownership, the
interop marshaler is at liberty to destroy returned SAFEARRAYs.

11.5 In the next installment of this series of articles,
I shall demonstrate how to pass a SAFEARRAY of UDTs to and from an unmanaged
function two-ways (i.e. as both an “in” and “out” parameter).


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