Recently, I'm working on a small program which needs to send emails to specific accounts. When I want

to add the function of "Copy to", I encountered a problem that the recipients specified in the Message["CC"]

CANNOT receive the emails. So I search the problem on Stack Overflow:

My code is as follows:

 from email.message import Message
import smtplib def sendEmail(subject, content):
Send Email.
smtpServer = "your smtp server such as"
userName = ""
password = "my_passwd_is_abc" fromAddr = ""
toAddrs = ["", ""]
ccAddrs = ["", ""] message = Message()
message["Subject"] = subject
message["From"] = fromAddr
message["To"] = ";".join(toAddrs)
#Copy to
#message["CC"] is only for display, to send the email we must specify it in the method "SMTP.sendmail".
message["CC"] = ";"
msg = message.as_string() sm = smtplib.SMTP(smtpServer)
sm.login(userName, password) sm.sendmail(fromAddr, toAddrs+ccAddrs, msg)
except Exception, e:
writeLog("EMAIL SENDING ERROR", "", traceback.format_exc())
writeLog("EMAIL SENDING SUCCESS", "", "")

Note the following lines:

#message["CC"] is only for display, to send the email we must specify it in the method "SMTP.sendmail".
message["CC"] = ";"

message["CC"] is only for display. If we want to send the email to anybody, we must specify it in

the second parameter of the method "SMTP.sendmail"

sm.sendmail(fromAddr, toAddrs+ccAddrs, msg)

'toAddrs+ccAddrs', This is the key point.


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