const myChartContainer = document.getElementById( 'chart' );
const myChart = echarts.init( myChartContainer );
let minAngle = 30;// 最小扇形区域为30
for ( let i = 0; i < obj.data.length; i++ ) { //某项数据为0时,最小扇形区域为0
 if ( obj.data[ i ].value === 0 ) {
  minAngle = 0;
const pieValue = obj.data.map( v => { 
 return v.value;
} )
const sum = pieValue.reduce( ( prev, cur ) => {//数据值的总和
 return prev + cur;
}, 0 );
const sum2 = pieValue.reduce( ( prev, cur ) => {
 if ( cur < sum / 12 && cur > 0 ) {//某个值大于0小于总和的1/12即30时,按30计算和
  return prev + sum / 12;
 return prev + cur;
}, 0 );
let initPieValue = pieValue[ 0 ];// 初始值
if ( initPieValue < sum / 12 && initPieValue > 0 ) {
 initPieValue = sum / 12;
const option = {
tooltip: {
 show: false,
 trigger: 'item',
 formatter: '{a} <br/>{b}: {c} ({d}%)'
legend: {
 show: false,
 orient: 'vertical',
 x: 'left'
color: [ '#44bbf8', '#93e588', '#ffd87b', '#f88071' ],
series: [
 name: '',
 type: 'pie',
 radius: [ '45%', '79%' ],
 clockWise: false,
 startAngle: 167 - ( initPieValue / sum2 * 360 / 2 ),
 minAngle: minAngle,
 avoidLabelOverlap: false,
itemStyle: {
 emphasis: {
  radius: [ '46%', '100%' ]
label: {
 normal: {
  show: false,
  position: 'center'
 emphasis: {
  show: false,
  textStyle: {
  fontSize: '30',
  fontWeight: 'bold'
labelLine: {
  normal: {
   show: false
 data: obj.data
myChart.setOption( option );
if ( minAngle === 30 ) {  //最小扇形区域30时
myChart.dispatchAction( { type: 'highlight', seriesIndex: 0, dataIndex: 0 } );
let preDataIndex = 0;
myChart.on( 'click', ( v ) => {
 if ( v.dataIndex === preDataIndex ) {
  myChart.dispatchAction( {
  type: 'highlight',
  seriesIndex: 0,
  dataIndex: v.dataIndex
 } );
const sum1 = pieValue.reduce( ( prev, cur, index ) => {
 if ( index < v.dataIndex ) {
  if ( cur < sum / 12 && cur > 0 ) {
   return prev + sum / 12; // 饼图的扇形最小角度设置为30,占圆的1/12
  return prev + cur;
 return prev;
}, 0 );
let curPieValue = pieValue[ v.dataIndex ];
if ( curPieValue < sum / 12 && curPieValue > 0 ) {
 curPieValue = sum / 12;
option.series[ 0 ].startAngle = 167 - ( sum1 / sum2 * 360 + curPieValue / sum2 * 360 / 2 );// 开始渲染图形的角度
myChart.setOption( option );
preDataIndex = v.dataIndex;
window.setTimeout( () => {
 myChart.dispatchAction( {
 type: 'highlight',
 seriesIndex: 0,
 dataIndex: v.dataIndex
 } );
}, 400 );
this.mrkName = v.data.name;
this.mrkValue = v.data.value;
} );


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