Waltz of love

Love me tenderly

Love me softly

Close your eyes,fling to the dangcing hall

Follow your pace

Smell your breath

Our loveing waltz,so so sweet

One two three,dancing with you step by step,close to you

Like the meteors flying through the sky!

One two three,dancing with you step by step,close to you

We will never stop to say love

Nothing gonna change our chance to meet

Nothing gonna change our love to dance love river flow

Happiness rise

Rush to the happy life

Nothing gonna change our chance to meet

Nothing gonna change our love to dance

Love is the guide light

Leading us to hte happy life

Love me tenderly

Love me softly

Close your eyes, flying to the dancing hall

Follow your pace

Smell your breath

Our loving waltz, so so sweet

One two three,dancing with you step by step,close to you

Like the meteors flying through the sky!

One two three, dancing with you step by step, close to you

We will never stop to say love

Nothing gonna change our chance to meet

Nothing gonna change our love yto dance

love river flow,Happiness rise

Rush to the happy life

Nothing gonna change our chance to meet

Nothing gonna change our love to dance

Love is the guide light

Leading us to the happy life

Nothing gonna chance our chance to meet

Noyhing gonna chance our love to dance

love river flow, Happiness rise

Ruse to the happy life

Nothing gonna change our chance to meet

Nothing gonna change our love to dance

Love is the guide light

Leading us to the...

Nothing gonna change our chance to meet

Nothing gonna change our love to dance

Love river flow, Happiness rise

Ruse to the happy life

Nothing gonna change our chance to meet

Nothing gonna change our love to dance

Love river flow, Happiness rise

Ruse to the happy life

Nothing gonna change our chance to meet

Nothing gonna change our love to dance

Love is the guide light

Leading us to the happy life



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