Love lives in cottages as well as in courts.


Many people, especially boys, complain that they can't find their lover because they are not rich enough.

Yes, sometimes we can take such thoughts as true, because if you are rich enough, you can have kinds of girls. Please notice that here I say you can have kinds of girls, not lovers. Maybe those who say I love you don't love you at all.

For the majority, we are just common, we are not rich, we can earn just a well-off live for ourselves and our families. But we also have love, we also have the one that can live with us for the whole life.

So don't just complain that you can't find a lover, maybe the one you have waited for is just waiting for you to meet her.

If you have only one smile in you, give it to the people you love.


I have only one smile, if I give it to the people I love, then I will be happy to see she is smiling to me, and then I will smile, that is , now I have two smiles.

For the people we love, we'd better to share joyness with them, not to always deliver negative mood to them.

Please bear that in mind.

You'll be rewarded sooner or later.


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