在LINUX 7.5 的环境上安装12.2.0.1 Restart Grid环境,执行root.sh  报 CLSRSC-400 错误



1. 参考(文档ID 1364419.1)或运行./deinstall   清空原有安装文件

2.  通过以下命令提前对GI_HOME打最新RU补丁

The steps for are:

1. Unzip Grid Infrastructure Gold Image to the Desired GI Home Location on the Local Node as the Grid user

2. Download and Install the latest OPatch Version (Patch 6880880) to the extracted GI Gold Image as the Grid user:

Note:  Choose Overwrite ALL when prompted, do NOT remove the old OPatch directory from the GI_HOME prior to extracting
$ unzip -d $GI_HOME p6880880_<platform version info>.zip

3. Apply the patch to the Gold Image by running the following as the Grid user:

To apply only Release Updates:

$GI_HOME/gridSetup.sh -applyPSU patch location

To apply only Non-RU patches:

$GI_HOME/gridSetup.sh -applyOneOffs patch location

To apply Release Updates and Non-RU patches in one command:

$GI_HOME/gridSetup.sh -applyPSU patch location -applyOneOffs patch location


An example is:

$ ./gridSetup.sh -applyPSU /u01/patch/27100009/

Preparing the home to patch...

Applying the patch /u01/patch/27100009/...

Successfully applied the patch.

备注:11g ,12.1  ,12.2 ,18.1 版本不同,用的参数不一样,详细见文档ID 1410202.1

参考: 12.2 Grid Infrastructure Installation: What's New (文档 ID 2024946.1)

             如何应用网格基础结构修补程序在执行根脚本(root.sh或rootupgrade.sh)之前?(文档ID 1410202.1)

3.  重新运行./gridSetup.sh 安装GRID


备注:如若不提前打补丁,在安装后重启主机,HAS 不会自动重启。在补打最新补丁后,也可修复。





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