Most of these images are in PBM or PGM format and compressed with GNU Zip and GNU TAR

Note: These pages show thumbnails of images and so, they are graphic intensive. If your connection is slow, please, be patient. Images are collected in groups of about 10-15 and then compressed with gzip and tar programs. You will be able to download this compressed files.

Free image databases on-line:

  • USC-SIPI. Signal and Image Processing Institute. University of Southern California.
    Brodatz textures and others.
    Aerials images.
    Some sequences.
  • USF-DM. University of South Florida. Digital Mammography Database.
    More than 2600 digitalized mammographies classified and commented.
  • CMU. Carnegie Mellon University. Links to image databases.

Do you know the history of, probably, the most famous test image in the Computer Vision community?

Here you can find who is Lenna and more ...


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