Given an unsorted array of integers, find the length of the longest consecutive elements sequence.

Your algorithm should run in O(n) complexity.


Input: [100, 4, 200, 1, 3, 2]
Output: 4
Explanation: The longest consecutive elements sequence is [1, 2, 3, 4]. Therefore its length is 4.

tag : union find

create the array first and then union the consecutive number (3,4)  (4,5) -- > have the same root

e.g: 100   4   200  1   3  2

100  4   200   1   3  2

My method: weighted union find with hashmap;

Solution 1

class Solution {
//union find
class QuickUnion {//with array
HashMap<Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<>(); // id, parent
HashMap<Integer, Integer> sz = new HashMap<>(); // id size
int count;//how many components
QuickUnion(int[] nums){
count = 1;
for(int i = 0; i<nums.length;i++) {
Integer root(int p){
if(!map.containsKey(p)) return null; // there is no such id while(p != map.get(p)){
int temp = map.get(map.get(p));//with path compression , set parent -> grandparent, map.get(i): i 's parent
map.put(p, temp);
p = map.get(p);
} /*while(id[p] != p){//find the root when to stop
id[p] = id[id[p]];
p = id[p];
return p;
boolean find(int p, int q){
return root(p)==root(q);
void union(int p, int q){
//get root
Integer pid = root(p);
Integer qid = root(q);
if(pid == null || qid == null) return; // check the null
//if(pid == qid) return; // check the integer,. heck if in the same set
if(pid.equals(qid)) return;
if(sz.get(pid) > sz.get(qid)){
map.put(qid, pid);
sz.put(pid, sz.get(pid)+sz.get(qid));
if(sz.get(pid)>count) count = sz.get(pid);
map.put(pid, qid);
sz.put(qid, sz.get(pid)+sz.get(qid));
if(sz.get(qid)>count) count = sz.get(qid);
} }
public int longestConsecutive(int[] nums) {
//create a union find
//union the elemnt 4 (3,5) -> 3,4,5
if(nums.length == 0) return 0;
QuickUnion qu = new QuickUnion(nums);
for(int i = 0; i<nums.length; i++){
System.out.println("num of i"+i+" ");
if(nums[i] != Integer.MIN_VALUE) qu.union(nums[i],nums[i]-1);//check the boundary
if(nums[i] != Integer.MAX_VALUE) qu.union(nums[i],nums[i]+1);//[2147483646,-2147483647,0,2,2147483644,-2147483645,2147483645]
System.out.println(qu.count+" ");
return qu.count;

Solution: hashset

remove and contains in ahshset

flow: remove the element : visited that element

class Solution {
public int longestConsecutive(int[] nums) {
if(nums.length==0) return 0;
//use hashset
HashSet<Integer> set = new HashSet<>();//non duplicate element
for(int num : nums){
} int max = 1;
for(int num : nums){
int len = 0;
int left = 1, right = 1;
if(!set.contains(num)) continue; while(set.contains(num-left)){
set.remove(num-left); left++; len++;
set.remove(num+right); right++; len++;
max = Math.max(len, max); }
return max;

quick find and quick union and weightedunion find

public class QuickFind{
private int[] id; // set all root of current id public QuickFind(int N){
id = new int[N];
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
id[i] = i;
//Check if p and q have the same id.
boolean find(int p, int q){
return id[p]==id[q];
//union pq
void unite(int p, int q){
int pid = id[p];//change pid to q
for(int i = 0; i <id.length; i++){
if(id[i] == pid) id[i] = id[q];
} } public class QuickUnion{
private int[] id; //represent the parent instead of root public QuickUnion(int N){
id = new int[N];
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
id[i] = i;
//Check if p and q have the same id.
boolean find(int p, int q){
return root(p)==root(q);
//get the root
int root(int i){
while(i != id[i]) i = id[i];//id[i] parent i: children
return i;
//union p q
void unite(int p, int q){
//find root first
int i = root(p);
int j = root(q);
id[i] = j;
} //avoid the tall trees , keep track ther size of each component
public class WeightedQuickUnion{
private int[] id; //represent the parent instead of root
private int[] sz;
int count;
public WeightedQuickUnion(int N){
count = N;
id = new int[N];
sz = new int[N];
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++){
id[i] = i;
sz[i] = 1;
} }
//Check if p and q have the same id.
boolean find(int p, int q){
return root(p)==root(q);
//get the root
int root(int i){
while(i != id[i]) {
// path compression
id[i] = id[id[i]];
i = id[i];//id[i] parent i: children
return i;
//union p q
void unite(int p, int q){
//find root first
int i = root(p);
int j = root(q);
if(sz[i]<sz[j]){ //samller tree to larger tree
id[i] = j; sz[j]+=sz[i];
}else {
id[j] = i; sz[i]+=sz[j];


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