
class TestClass(object):

    def test_one(self):
x = "this"
assert 'h' in x def test_two(self):
x = "hello"
assert hasattr(x, 'check')



pytest implements the following standard test discovery:

  • If no arguments are specified then collection starts from testpaths (if configured) or the current directory. Alternatively, command line arguments can be used in any combination of directories, file names or node ids.
  • Recurse into directories, unless they match norecursedirs.
  • In those directories, search for test_*.py or *_test.py files, imported by their test package name.
  • From those files, collect test items:
    • test_ prefixed test functions or methods outside of class
    • test_ prefixed test functions or methods inside Test prefixed test classes (without an __init__ method)

For examples of how to customize your test discovery Changing standard (Python) test discovery.

Within Python modules, pytest also discovers tests using the standard unittest.TestCasesubclassing technique.



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