
Codeigniter MongoDB扩展之使用Aggregate实现Sum方法

以下就是我在使用 CodeigniterMongoDB 扩展时,添加的一个扩展
就是使用 MongoDBAggregate 实现 Mysql 中的 Sum 方法

/* Controller.php */

$option = array (
array (
'$match' => array (
'match_1' => 'value_1',
'match_2' => 'value_2'
array (
'$group' => array (
'_id' => null,
'sum_1' => ['$sum' => '$amount_1'],
'sum_2' => ['$sum' => '$amount_2'],
'sum_3' => ['$sum' => '$amount_3']
); $result = $this -> mongo_db -> aggregate('collection', $option); /* Mongo_db.php */ public function aggregate ($collection, $option = array())
try {
return $this -> db -> {$collection} -> aggregate($option);
catch (Exception $e) {
show_error("Unable to aggregate Mongo Databases: {$e->getMessage()}", 500);


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