一个Windows API SetROP2(int nDrawMode)的使用



R2_BLACK Pixel is always black. //所有绘制出来的像素为黑色

R2_WHITE Pixel is always white. //所有绘制出来的像素为白色

R2_NOP Pixel remains unchanged. //任何绘制将不改变当前的状态

R2_NOT Pixel is the inverse of the screen color. //当前绘制的像素值设为屏幕像素值的反,这样可以覆盖掉上次的绘图,(自动擦除上次绘制的图形)

R2_COPYPEN Pixel is the pen color. //使用当前的画笔的颜色

R2_NOTCOPYPEN Pixel is the inverse of the pen color. //当前画笔的反色


R2_MERGEPENNOT Pixel is a combination of the pen color and the inverse of the screen color (final pixel = (NOT screen pixel) OR pen).

R2_MASKPENNOT Pixel is a combination of the colors common to both the pen and the inverse of the screen (final pixel = (NOT screen pixel) AND pen).

R2_MERGENOTPEN Pixel is a combination of the screen color and the inverse of the pen color (final pixel = (NOT pen) OR screen pixel).

R2_MASKNOTPEN Pixel is a combination of the colors common to both the screen and the inverse of the pen (final pixel = (NOT pen) AND screen pixel).

R2_MERGEPEN Pixel is a combination of the pen color and the screen color (final pixel = pen OR screen pixel).

R2_NOTMERGEPEN Pixel is the inverse of the R2_MERGEPEN color (final pixel = NOT(pen OR screen pixel)).

R2_MASKPEN Pixel is a combination of the colors common to both the pen and the screen (final pixel = pen AND screen pixel).

R2_NOTMASKPEN Pixel is the inverse of the R2_MASKPEN color (final pixel = NOT(pen AND screen pixel)).

R2_XORPEN Pixel is a combination of the colors that are in the pen or in the screen, but not in both (final pixel = pen XOR screen pixel).

R2_NOTXORPEN Pixel is the inverse of the R2_XORPEN color (final pixel = NOT(pen XOR screen pixel)).



void CXXXView::OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)


// 按下左键移动开始画图

if (nFlags == MK_LBUTTON)


// 创建画笔RGB(0x00, 0x00, 0xFF)

HPEN hPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, m_PenWidth, m_PenColor);

// 选进DC

::SelectObject(m_hMemDC, hPen);


int oldRop=::SetROP2(m_hMemDC,R2_NOTXORPEN);

// 画线

::MoveToEx(m_hMemDC,m_pOrigin.x,m_pOrigin.y, NULL);

::LineTo(m_hMemDC, m_pPrev.x,m_pPrev.y);


::MoveToEx(m_hMemDC, m_pOrigin.x, m_pOrigin.y, NULL);

::LineTo(m_hMemDC, point.x, point.y);

m_pPrev = point;





SetROP2 就是设置绘画的模式,绘画模式有很多种,比如最简单的绘画模式就是你的当前画笔是什么颜色,在屏幕上画的就是什么颜色,R2_NOTXORPEN这种绘画 模式是这样的,它先把画笔颜色与屏幕颜色异或,(这里异或是数学计算,1与1为0,1与0为1,我们说颜色其实就是二进制数,)异或之后再取反最后得到一 个颜色值显示在屏幕上。


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