Hits per Second Graph

The Hits per Second graph shows the number of HTTP requests made by Vusers to the Web server during each second of the load test scenario run. This graph helps you evaluate the amount of load Vusers generate, in terms of the number of hits. You can compare this graph to the Average Transaction Response Time graph to see how the number of hits affects transaction performance.

Hits per Second==HTTP requests per Second: 每秒虚拟用户HTTP请求(服务器)数


HTTP method



Send named resource from the server to the client.



Store data from client into a named server resource.



Delete the named resource from a server.



Send client data into a server gateway application.



Send just the HTTP headers from the response for the named resource.

(对于指定的资源只发送HTTP header响应信息,即不传输主体数据)


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