Our library is also open for the local residents.
People are doing their Christmas shopping.
Later the tree was attacked by insects and finally destroyed in a storm.
A beginner is often at a loss when he meets many of the idioms for the first time.
Well, we are now looking at ways of making shopping less tiring.
And for the comfort of others, we ask you there should be no food or drink on the coach.
You must have the ability to work alone but also as part of a team.
One day at school, he kissed a girl in his class on the cheek.
Our company is looking for a new scientist to join our busy team.
We'll first visit Stonehenge, a world-famous historic sight.
If we are successful, we'll sell this paint all around the world.
Bring warm clothes along, because the weather is changeable.
After you get there, the coach will drop you in the city centre.
You know, a day at the shops wears people out.
He went home and got a ladder, put it against the high wall of the garden and climbed up.
Waste should be taken back to the tourist center.
You must be able to work well in this kind of environment.
This particular elm couldn't have been over 3 or 4 years old in 1775.
Loud cries and fireworks are forbidden near the glaciers.
She taught chemistry and physics from the lowest to the highest classes in the school.
It's a great pleasure to have you as assistants to help organize the play.
He and his wife moved into a second-floor apartment — not too low and not too high.
My elder brother lives in another town, but he always drives his car here.
When she left school last year, she still wanted to be a nurse.
You need to return the books on time, or your library account will be blocked.
We're going to use the book Beginning English in this class.
When John's mother discovered this, she was very angry.
However, when he became president, he faced many serious challenges.
Water is a liquid which has no colour until you wash your hands in it, then it turns black.
She was reading a book by the window when she heard someone shout "look out!".
She was eager to try a new way of cooking a fish dish.
You can sit in classroom, or walk around, or go to the cafeteria.
In order to get its meaning, he should look it up in a dictionary.
I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will get there.
English class is on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings.
This story shows that idioms are an important part of a language.
Sometimes the new classes learned rapidly, but sometimes they were very slow.
Our bus is getting close to Cambridge, where we'll be stopping to eat.
John was told to leave his classroom and stay in another classroom by himself.
In Britain it's required to fasten the belt.
It is stated clearly in the student handbook.
At our next meeting on Tuesday, we'll begin talking about all the different jobs.
My friend Alice decided to be a nurse when she was four years old.
If you think you are the right person for the job, e-mail us today!
She went to classes every day and studied late at night.
If you kiss the wrong person, you might get into trouble.
Because the dish was hot, she put it near the window to cool for a few minutes.
Besides physics, Einstein loved music very much, and he often made music at home with his friends.
The first zoo was built in Egypt more than 4,500 years ago.
In China, around 3,000 years ago, an emperor created a very big zoo.
I was so frightened that I dropped the wood on the floor.
The public are found to have paid more attention to their living conditions, such as drinking water, air quality, and noise,
Human brains are far more complicated.
Today I'd like to tell you something about zoos.
His soldiers were ready to die for him.
It is hard for them to understand that people in many parts of the world don't think that time is so important.
Nowhere are women leaders more essential than in countries devastated by war.


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