




Java Decompiler

As a developer who splits his time between the .NET and Java platforms, I have been surprised and dismayed by the lackluster selection of decompilers in the Java ecosystem. Jad (no longer maintained) and JD-GUI are pretty decent choices, but the former does not support Java 5+ language features, and the latter tends to barf on code emitted by my LINQ/DLR tree compiler. Neither is open source.

To address the situation, I recently started developing a decompiler myself, inspired by (and borrowed heavily from) ILSpy and Mono.Cecil.


While still incomplete, my own tests seem to indicate that the Procyon decompiler can generally hold its own against the other leading Java decompilers out there. There are, however, some known issues.

Known Issues

  1. Classes compiled with Eclipse (or anything other than javac) may produce less than optimal results, especially for constructs like String-based switch statements. Up until now, I have mostly tested classes compiled with Javac. I will work to improve support for other compilers as time goes on.

Why should I care?

The Procyon decompiler handles language enhancements from Java 5 and beyond that most other decompilers don't. It also excels in areas where others fall short. Procyon in particular does well with:

  1. Enum declarations
  2. Enum and String switch statements (only tested against javac 1.7 so far)
  3. Local classes (both anonymous and named)
  4. Annotations
  5. Java 8 Lambdas and method references (i.e., the :: operator).

Output Comparison

I've posted some simple input/output comparisons comparing original source, decompiled output, and JD-GUI output.

How to Use

Java 7 is required to run. Unfortunately, I do not yet have a slick GUI front-end like JD-GUI (but third-party front-ends do exist--see below!). I do, however, offer color-coded output for consoles supporting ANSI/xterm-256. I also offer three output modes:

  1. Java (default)
  2. Raw Bytecode (similar to javap, but prettier; run with -r)
  3. Bytecode AST (an intermediate representation; run with -b, add -u for unoptimized)

Note that color-coded output requires an ANSI-compatible console. Unfortunately, this rules out the Windows command prompt. To get color-coded output on Windows, I recommend using a terminal environment like MobaXterm. If ANSI detection fails for whatever reason (as it does with MobaXterm), you can force it on by running with -DAnsi=true.

The main class (entry point) is com.strobel.decompiler.DecompilerDriver. It's also the entry class for decompiler.jar (available under Downloads). You can pass in one or more types to be processed. At the moment, all output goes to System.out. I will probably add file-based output in the future. To call the public API externally, use the helper class com.strobel.decompiler.Decompiler.

The input types can be fully-qualified names in dotted or binary form (e.g., java.lang.String or java/lang/String) or relative/absolute file paths (path/to/MyClass.class or C:\src\path\to\MyClass.class) or even whole jar files. If you pass in a type name, it will attempt to load it out of the user or bootstrap classpath. If you have trouble getting it to locate classes from jars or directories in your CLASSPATH environment variable, try running the main class directly instead of running with -jar.

I still have a remarkably flimsy grasp of how all this classpath business works in Java, so if someone would like to educate me (or submit a pull request), be my guest :).

Usage Examples

Assuming that you have renamed the download file from procyon-decompiler-x.x.xx.jar to decompiler.jar, the following are some common options.

Show help/usage information and exit.

$ java -jar decompiler.jar
$ java -jar decompiler.jar -?

Decompile a single class to the console.

$ java -jar decompiler.jar java.lang.String
$ java -DAnsi=true -jar decompiler.jar java.util.Collections

Decompile a whole jar to a directory.

$ java -jar decompiler.jar -jar myJar.jar -o out

GUI Front Ends

Don't want to use the command line? Try one of these GUI front-ends for Procyon:


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  13. Vue (三) --- Vue 组件开发
  14. 11. java中路径/和\的区别
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