Statistical methods的除了huffman外的另一种常见压缩方式。

Huffman coding的非连续数值特性成为了无法达到香农极限的先天无法弥补的缺陷,但Arithmetic coding给出了better solution。






Set low  to 0.0
Set high to 1.0 While there are still input symbols do
get an input symbol
  code_range = high - low.
  high = low + range*high_range(symbol)
  low = low + range*low_range (symbol)
End of While
output low or a number within the range


第四行:0.72167752, Low:0.6, High:0.8, 那么,下一个char会是什么?


encoded number = (0.72167752-0.6)/0.20.6083876 --> L


get encoded number
  find symbol whose range straddles the encoded number
  output the symbol
  range = symbol high value - symbol low value
  subtract symbol low value from encoded number
  divide encoded number by range
until no more symbols




Bzip2 and JPG use Huffman as AC protected by patents
PackJPG using AC shows 25% of size saving


U.S. Patent 4,122,440 — (IBM) Filed 4 March 77, Granted 24 October 78 (Now expired)
U.S. Patent 4,286,256 — (IBM) Granted 25 August 81 (Now expired)
U.S. Patent 4,467,317 — (IBM) Granted 21 August 84 (Now expired)
U.S. Patent 4,652,856 — (IBM) Granted 4 February 86 (Now expired)
U.S. Patent 4,891,643 — (IBM) Filed 15 September 86, granted 2 January 90 (Now expired)
U.S. Patent 4,905,297 — (IBM) Filed 18 November 88, granted 27 February 90 (Now expired)
U.S. Patent 4,933,883 — (IBM) Filed 3 May 88, granted 12 June 90 (Now expired)
U.S. Patent 4,935,882 — (IBM) Filed 20 July 88, granted 19 June 90 (Now expired)
U.S. Patent 4,989,000 — Filed 19 June 89, granted 29 January 91 (Now expired)
U.S. Patent 5,099,440 — (IBM) Filed 5 January 90, granted 24 March 92 (Now expired)
U.S. Patent 5,272,478 — (Ricoh) Filed 17 August 92, granted 21 December 93 (Now expired)


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