Warning: World-writable config file '/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/etc/my.cnf' is ignored

ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/var/mysql/mysql.sock' (61 "Connection refused")


mysyql.server start


  1. CSS float
  2. Network - DNS
  3. 漫谈可视化Prefuse(一)---从SQL Server数据库读取数据
  4. 【SQL】区分新来顾客和再访顾客
  5. QT学习之-HelloWorld
  6. C#单例模式的三种写法
  7. android 照相或从相册获取图片并裁剪
  8. Oracle数据库的创建与验证
  9. 约瑟夫问题--list模拟循环链表
  10. The Linux Mint 17.1:Eclipse Run The C++ And Python Configoration
  11. 必应地图api文档,微软必应地图web开发版详解,可以在国内使用国外地图
  12. 设置TIMESTAMP和DATETIME的自动初始化及自动更新
  13. Java如何找到一个单词的每一次匹配?
  14. java 泛型的通配符和限定
  15. Android模拟器故障:waiting for target deviceto come online
  16. vue2.0生命周期详解
  17. JedisConnectionPool scala
  18. python中操作mysql
  19. Hive学习之路 (五)DbVisualizer配置连接hive
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  1. curl 伪装来路(referer)
  2. tensorflow 笔记10:tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits 函数
  3. RabbitMQ三种Exchange模式(fanout,direct,topic)的性能比较(转)
  4. oracle数据泵笔记
  5. (笔记)Linux内核学习(三)之进程调度
  6. sqllocaldb 2016安装
  7. Rest风格理解
  8. 公众平台返回原始数据为: 错误代码-40164,错误信息-invalid ip, not in whitelist hint
  9. The last packet successfully received from the server was 20,519 milliseconds ago. The last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago.
  10. Markdown 表格