
  1. Controller为单例;
  2. 非线程安全;
  3. 堵塞方式;
  4. 1个request对应1个处理Thread;
public class ProcessingController { @RequestMapping("/process-blocking")
public ProcessingStatus blockingProcessing(...) {
return new ProcessingStatus(...);


public class ProcessingController { @RequestMapping("/process-non-blocking")
public DeferredResult<ProcessingStatus> nonBlockingProcessing(...) { // Initiate the processing in another thread
DeferredResult<ProcessingStatus> deferredResult = new DeferredResult<>();
ProcessingTask task = new ProcessingTask(deferredResult, ...);
dispatch(task); // Return to let go of the precious thread we are holding on to...
return deferredResult;
} public class ProcessingTask extends SomeCallbackInterface { private DeferredResult<ProcessingStatus> deferredResult; public ProcessingTask(DeferredResult<ProcessingStatus> deferredResult, ...) {
this.deferredResult = deferredResult;
} @Override
public void done() {
if (deferredResult.isSetOrExpired()) {
LOG.warn("Processing of non-blocking request already expired");
} else {
boolean deferredStatus = deferredResult.setResult(new ProcessingStatus(...));


Developing non-blocking REST services with Spring MVC


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