This is a tutorial with step-of-step explanation of Auzone AT60 TPMS Tool Update & Authorization.

Part 1: Auzone AT60 Update

Part 2: Auzone AT60 Authorization

Part 1: How to update Auzone AT60 software

Download and install the upgrade tool software that comes with the device or via the official website Once the PC upgrade software is successfully installed, the following shortcut will be generated:

  1. Connect the AT60 to a PC using a USB cable and open the PC software.

  1. Enter "Upgrade mode" in the AT60 system settings, and the following interface will be displayed:

  1. Go to "Select file" to select the upgrade package "*.upd" from the official website or your email.

  1. Click "Update" to perform the upgrade. The following PC software and AT60 display interfaces will be displayed during the upgrade:

  1. Once the upgrade is complete,Auzone AT60 will automatically restart and the PC software will prompt that the upgrade is complete (as shown in the figure).

Part 2: How to add authorization for Auzone AT60

  1. Download and install the upgrade tool software that comes with the device or via the official website Once the PC upgrade software is successfully installed, the following shortcut will be displayed:

  1. Connect the AT60 to a PC using a USB cable and open the PC software.

  1. Enter "Upgrade mode" in the AT60 system settings, and the following interface will be displayed:

  1. Click "Add license" to enter the authorization file selection dialog box.

  1. Click "Select authorization file" to select the authorization file "*.lc" from your email.
  2. Click "Yes" to add.


AUZONE AT60 User Manual:

AUZONE AT60 Tech Support:


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