All things come to those who wait.


It is said that those who are patient can see what their patience will reward, so why not hold on for a bit longer before choosing to quit?

I always keep that in my mind but I don't know how long I can go if there is no effective stimulation.

I know my improvement is too slow, I know I should run somewhat faster.

Things would come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle.

Well, walk and then run, there's little time left for me to sit back and wait.

Please hold the line and give no slack.

That is not easy, but if we can imagine how it feels like when we are done and how it feels like if we choose to quit, then we will the answer, then we will know what should we do.

Love gives one a kind of goodness.


From The Lady of the Camellias.

If you are loved by others, you probably never try to commit any crime to others, and you will always try give your love back to others.

That is the very thing that makes our world more beautiful.

One question: What are the main changes between ROS1 and ROS2?

Please see the details in the website below:


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