hostapd : user space daemon for access points, including, e.g., IEEE 802.1X/WPA/EAP Authenticator for number of Linux and BSD drivers, RADIUS client, integrated EAP server, and RADIUS authentication server

直译为: AP侧进程,包含:如 linux和BSD 驱动中的802.1x/WPA/EAP认证功能,RADIUS客户端,整合了EAP服务器和RADIUS认证服务器。


wpa_supplicant:  user space IEEE 802.1X/WPA supplicant (wireless client) for number of Linux, BSD, and Windows drivers

直译为: 用户空间802.1x/WPA请求者(无线client端),适用于linux /BSD/Windows驱动


wpad is a hostapd + wpa_supplicant multicall binary

wpad是 包含了hostapd 和 wpa_supplicant 的合体。wpad 的使用如下:

root@hbg:/# wpad -h
Invalid command.
Usage: wpad wpa_supplicant|hostapd [<arguments>]

后面先加 wpa_supplicant 或 hostapd,然后再跟参数。


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