


string temp ="ErrorCode:-1,Message:{"UserId" : "1000","userName" : "ZhangSan"}";

我需要获得“-1”和“{"UserId" : "1000","userName" : "ZhangSan"}”;


using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

string temp = "ErrorCode:-1,Message:{\"UserId\" : \"1000\",\"userName\" : \"ZhangSan\"}";
Regex reg = new Regex("ErrorCode:(?<key1>.*?),Message:{(?<key2>.*?)}");
Match match = reg.Match(temp);
string tempStr = match.Groups["key1"].Value + "--" + match.Groups["key2"].Value; MessageBox.Show(tempStr);

这时候tempStr得到的是”-1--{"UserId" : "1000","userName" : "ZhangSan"}“


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