

官方文档解释:Configure the component so that every dependent component or call to Resolve() gets a new, unique instance (default.)



官方文档解释:Configure the component so that every dependent component or call to Resolve() within a single ILifetimeScope gets the same, shared instance. Dependent components in different lifetime scopes will get different instances.



官方文档解释:Configure the component so that every dependent component or call to Resolve() within a ILifetimeScope tagged with any of the provided tags value gets the same, shared instance. Dependent components in lifetime scopes that are children of the tagged scope will share the parent's instance. If no appropriately tagged scope can be found in the hierarchy an DependencyResolutionException is thrown.



官方文档解释:Configure the component so that every dependent component or call to Resolve() within a ILifetimeScope created by an owned instance gets the same, shared instance. Dependent components in lifetime scopes that are children of the owned instance scope will share the parent's instance. If no appropriate owned instance scope can be found in the hierarchy an DependencyResolutionException is thrown.



官方文档解释:Configure the component so that every dependent component or call to Resolve() gets the same, shared instance.


在一次Http请求上下文中,共享一个组件实例。仅适用于asp.net mvc开发。
官方文档解释:Share one instance of the component within the context of a single HTTP request.


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