



注意feature importance









逐层相关性传播与DeepLIFT类似,因为它从输出向后工作,识别出神经网络中最相关的神经元,直到您返回到输入(例如,图像)为止。如果您想了解更多有关该概念背后的数学知识,Dan Shiebler的这篇文章是一个很好的起点。

Techniques and methods for improving machine learning interpretability

While questions of transparency and ethics may feel abstract for the data scientist on the ground, there are, in fact, a number of practical things that can be done to improve an algorithm’s interpretability and explainability.

Algorithmic generalization

The first is to improve generalization. This sounds simple, but it isn’t that easy. When you think most machine learning engineering is applying algorithms in a very specific way to uncover a certain desired outcome, the model itself can feel like a secondary element - it’s simply a means to an end. However, by shifting this attitude to consider the overall health of the algorithm, and the data on which it is running, you can begin to set a solid foundation for improved interpretability.

Pay attention to feature importance

This should be obvious, but it’s easily missed. Looking closely at the way the various features of your algorithm have been set is a practical way to actually engage with a diverse range of questions, from business alignment to ethics. Debate and discussion over how each feature should be set might be a little time-consuming, but having that tacit awareness that different features have been set in a certain way is nevertheless an important step in moving towards interpretability and explainability.

LIME: Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations

While the techniques above offer practical steps that data scientists can take, LIME is an actual method developed by researchers to gain greater transparency on what’s happening inside an algorithm. The researchers explain that LIME can explain “the predictions of any classifier in an interpretable and faithful manner, by learning an interpretable model locally around the prediction.”

What this means in practice is that the LIME model develops an approximation of the model by testing it out to see what happens when certain aspects within the model are changed. Essentially it’s about trying to recreate the output from the same input through a process of experimentation.

DeepLIFT (Deep Learning Important Features)

DeepLIFT is a useful model in the particularly tricky area of deep learning. It works through a form of backpropagation: it takes the output, then attempts to pull it apart by ‘reading’ the various neurons that have gone into developing that original output.

Essentially, it’s a way of digging back into the feature selection inside of the algorithm (as the name indicates).

Layer-wise relevance propagation

Layer-wise relevance propagation is similar to DeepLIFT, in that it works backwards from the output, identifying the most relevant neurons within the neural network until you return to the input (say, for example, an image). If you want to learn more about the mathematics behind the concept, this post by Dan Shiebler is a great place to begin.


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