Key points:

  1. don't procrastinate;
  2. review the notes and renew the literature search;
  3. determine who your audience is - most likely reviewers, so get their concerns firstly addressed;
  4. create the outline and get the big picture done, i.e., complete the first draft while resisting the temptation to correct and edit as you go; the logical sequence of data/tables/figures may be the outline; while writing the first draft, take notes indicating what references might be needed and would be about, but don't stop to collect the references;
  5. begin with the easier part of the task - experimental section rather than the introduction; then follows the results and discussion section;
  6. then comes the really hard part - critical editing where you make sure that the English is coherent and the science is correct;
  7. write the conclusion in a numbered format;
  8. then comes the abstract and the acknowledgements;
  9. now comes the introduction, the two most important things to address in which are the purpose and relevant background;
  10. then collect the references.

Some final notes: 1. always check the manuscript requirements for the journal of interests. 2. a few references on writing. Please refer to the video.


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