LED Decorative Light Manufacturer    introduction: LED wall lamp is a light-emitting diode as a light source installed on the wall or furniture wall to become an LED wall lamp. Traditional wall lamps use halogen lamps, which have low luminous efficiency, relatively high power consumption, increased ambient temperature, and short service life. LED is far superior to traditional lighting products in terms of lighting principle, energy saving and environmental protection. Moreover, the unidirectionality of LED illumination forms the perfect support for wall light distribution.


There are many types and styles of wall lamps, such as ceiling lamps, color wall lamps, bedside wall lamps, and mirror front wall lamps. Ceiling lights are mostly installed in balconies, stairs, corridors and bedrooms, suitable for long-lighting lamps; color-changing wall lamps are mostly used for festivals and festive occasions; bedside wall lamps are mostly installed at the upper left of the bed, the lamp heads can be rotated universally, and the beams are concentrated. Easy to read; the front wall lamp is decorated in the vicinity of the bathroom mirror.


The wall lamp installation height should be slightly higher than the eye level of 1.8 meters. The illumination of the wall lamp should not be too large, so it is more artistic. The choice of the wall lamp cover should be based on the color of the wall. The white or creamy wall should be light green, light blue shade, lake green and sky blue wall. It is advisable to use a milky white, light yellow, and brown lampshade. In this way, a large-color one-color wall covering is embellished with a prominent wall lamp, giving a sense of elegance and freshness. The wires connecting the wall lamps should be light-colored, so that they can be painted with the same color as the wall to keep the wall clean. In addition, you can first dig a small slot in the wall that is just embedded in the wire, embed the wire, fill it with lime, and apply the same paint as the wall.



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