HTMLHint 工具可以对 HTML 代码做静态代码检查,从而保证 HTML 代码的规范和质量。HTMLHint 工具内置 23 条规则,建议在 .htmlhintrc 配置文件中将规则尽可能都打开:

"tagname-lowercase": true,
"attr-lowercase": true,
"attr-value-double-quotes": true,
"attr-value-not-empty": true,
"attr-no-duplication": true,
"doctype-first": true,
"tag-pair": true,
"tag-self-close": true,
"spec-char-escape": true,
"id-unique": true,
"src-not-empty": true,
"title-require": true,
"alt-require": true,
"doctype-html5": true,
"id-class-value": "dash",
"style-disabled": true,
"inline-style-disabled": true,
"inline-script-disabled": true,
"space-tab-mixed-disabled": "space4",
"id-class-ad-disabled": true,
"href-abs-or-rel": false,
"attr-unsafe-chars": true,
"head-script-disabled": true

每个规则的具体含义,请见下一篇文章htmlhint 规则详解


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  8. BZOJ 1052 HAOI2007 覆盖问题 二分法答案+DFS
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