

1. Cloud - Internet scaling / Internet connects / Resource pool

2. Why the cloud?  Rapidly setup environments / Scale to meet peak demands / increase daily activities. (Speed / Scale / Economics)

3. cloud computing patterns: on and off/ growing fast / unpredictable bursting / predictable bursting

4. cloud computing : IaaS(Host) / PaaS(Build) / SaaS(Consume)

Infrastructure as a Service

Platform as a service

Software as a service

5. How are Microsoft Azure Charges Incurred?

Pay only for what you use*

VMs usage is by the minute

VMs that are stopped in Microsoft Azure do not incur charges

Microsoft Azure Enterprise Agreement(EA) billing process differs

6. Microsoft Azure Compute : App service / MS Azure Cloud service / VMs - IaaS

7. How we differentiate with Azure

Hyper-scale / Enterprise Grade / Hybrid

8. Azure Site Recovery

9. MS Azure Active Directory

10. MS Azure Multi-Factor Authentication (多因素认证)

11. SQL Database (Day 2 afternoon)

12. HDInsight (Hadoop/Hive/Pig etc.)

13. Apache Storm for Azure HDInsight : Real-time event processing solution for large, fast steams of data.

14. Apache Spark for Azure HDInsight

15. Azure Machine Learning: 图像识别/小冰、小娜等/分析票务信息 --算法 / CRM

16. Azure Stream Analytics : 智能楼宇/交通流量/物联网/监控/计算机日志 (根据时间窗口进行数据分析)

17. Azure Data Factory: 数据清洗

18. Azure App service: Web apps/ Mobile apps / logic apps(系统整合) /API apps

Azure App service Web Apps: 系统负荷扩展

Azure App Service Mobile Apps: 信息推送

Azure App Service Logic Apps:

Azure Media Services: 视频培训(不需要客户端播放器配置)

Internet of things (IOT)

Compute Scaling

1.Scale UP :纵向扩展

2.Scale Out :水平扩展

Azure Virtual Machine

Azure Network



微软存储很便宜 0.98元/TB

Severity : A B C D

A: < 1 Hour

B: < 2 Hour or 4 Hour ( C or D)

三种计算模式:Vm/cloud service / app service

PaaS Cloud Service

Cloud Service Basic: Web role / Worker Role (A container of related service roles)

What can it run?  Language: C# / Java / VB / C++ / PHP /Python/ Node.js etc.

Framework: .NET / ExpressJS/ Rails/ Zend, etc.

General Rule: If it runs in MS windows, it runs in MS Azure.

Roles & Instances : 可修改池里实例个数

Fault domain(故障域) / upgrade domain(更新域)

Role Lifecycle : Fabric Calls -- Role Lifetime -- Request Routed

Worker Role Patterns

Queue polling worker:

性能考虑(硬件增加一倍,性能不一定增加一倍)/ 安全性考虑(压力测试,获取系统负荷)/

Paas Database Service

Paas Storage

Local Storage and Diagnostics

Role Instance:

Role --> Diagnostic monitors <--> Local Directory Storage --> Cloud

Diagnostics Data Locations

Event logs / Performance counters/ MS Azure logs/ IIS logs/ IIS failed request logs/ crash dumps/ custom file based logs




In-role Caching: Dedicated cache

Azure Redis Cache:


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  5. UserAgent:通过浏览器获取用户浏览器等信息
  6. HTML5之video元素
  7. SRM589
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  9. malformed or corrupted AST file。。。module file out of date&amp;#39;
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  2. 函数参数&lt;二&gt;
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