lognorm方法的参数容易把人搞蒙。例如lognorm.rvs(s, loc=0, scale=1, size=1)中的参数s,loc,scale, 要记住:loc和scale并不是我们通常理解的对数变化后数据的均值mu和标准差sigma,如下面所述:

The probability density function for lognorm is:

lognorm.pdf(x, s) = 1 / (s*x*sqrt(2*pi)) * exp(-1/2*(log(x)/s)**2) for x > 0, s > 0.

lognorm takes s as a shape parameter.

The probability density above is defined in the “standardized” form. To shift and/or scale the distribution use the loc and scale parameters. Specifically, lognorm.pdf(x, s, loc, scale) is identically equivalent to lognorm.pdf(y, s) / scale with y = (x - loc) / scale.

A common parametrization for a lognormal random variable Y is in terms of the mean, mu, and standard deviation, sigma, of the unique normally distributed random variable X such that exp(X) = Y. This parametrization corresponds to setting s = sigma and scale = exp(mu).








[3]How do I get a lognormal distribution in Python with Mu and Sigma?


[4]Fitting log-normal distribution in R vs. SciPy



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