drop table class
create table class (
classId nchar(6) primary key not null,
cName nvarchar(20)
insert into class
insert into class
('','自动化2班') select * from class delete class where classId=''
delete class where classId=''
delete class where classId=''
delete class where classId='' update class set cName='自动化3班'
where classId=09034 alter table student
alter column classId nchar(6)not null alter table student --给student的classId属性增加一个外键
add constraint classId foreign key(classId) references class(classId) alter table student --删掉该外键约束
drop constraint classId --然后才能删掉class
drop table class select * from course
select * from score
select * from student
select * from teacher --检查学号为107的学生的课程名,任课老师
select ci.cName,ti.teaName from student as si
inner join score as sco on sco.stuId=si.stuId
inner join course as ci on ci.cId=sco.cId
inner join teacher as ti on ti.teaId=ci.teaId
where si.stuId=107 --检索王同学不学习且不助教的任课老师和课程名
select ti.teaName,ci.cName from course as ci
inner join teacher as ti on ti.teaId=ci.teaId
except (
select ti.teaName,ci.cName from student as si
inner join score as sco on sco.stuId=si.stuId
inner join course as ci on ci.cId=sco.cId
inner join teacher as ti on ci.teaId=ti.teaId
where si.stuName like '王%'
select ti.teaName,ci.cName from course as ci
inner join teacher as ti on ci.teaId=ti.teaId
where ti.teaWork='助教' and ti.teaName like '王%'
) --检索至少选修两门课程的学生学号
select sco.stuId,COUNT(*) from score as sco
group by sco.stuId having COUNT(*)>1 --子查询
select si.stuId,ci.cName,sco.score
from student as si
inner join score as sco on sco.stuId=si.stuId
inner join course as ci on ci.cId=sco.cId
inner join teacher as ti on ci.teaId=ti.teaId
where sco.score>=
select MAX(ssco.score) from student as ssi
inner join score as ssco on ssco.stuId=ssi.stuId
inner join course as cci on cci.cId=ssco.cId
inner join teacher as tti on cci.teaId=tti.teaId
where ssi.stuName=si.stuName
order by si.stuId asc


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