create table x
v int not null identity(,) primary key,
geog geography not null,
geogWKT as geog.STAsText()
) --.添加空间数据
insert into x(geog)
(-93.123 36.943,
-93.126 36.953,
-94.129 36.986,
-93.123 36.943)
), --多边形,开始坐标和结束坐标必须相同,注意polygon中必须包含2层括号,否则报错 (geography::Parse('POINT(-93.123 36.943)')), --点坐标 (geography::Parse('LINESTRING(-93.123 36.943,
-93.126 36.953)')
) --两坐标之间的线 --.地理数据的计算
select v,
geog.STDistance('POINT (-93.123 36.985)'), --距离
geog.STIntersects('POINT (-93.123 36.943)'), --是否有交集
geog.STLength(), --长度
geog.STArea(), --多边形面积
geog.STAsText() --WKT格式的坐标
from x
v geogWKT (无列名) (无列名) (无列名) (无列名) (无列名)
1 POLYGON ((-93.123 36.943, -93.126 36.953, -94.129 36.986, -93.123 36.943)) 3561.29978820883 1 180244.411606998 48996227.1008911 POLYGON ((-93.123 36.943, -93.126 36.953, -94.129 36.986, -93.123 36.943))
2 POINT (-93.123 36.943) 4661.03285004629 1 0 0 POINT (-93.123 36.943)
3 LINESTRING (-93.123 36.943, -93.126 36.953) 3561.29978820883 1 1141.48450709835 0 LINESTRING (-93.123 36.943, -93.126 36.953)
select * from x


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