Article ID: 2721672 - Last Review: November 22, 2014 - Revision: 30.0

简单来说就是Microsoft Azure 支持的软件列表,对最低版本都会有要求。而且不在支持列表系统不提供SLA保证的支持,简单来说微软不会应该违反SLA赔钱。

当然非微软主机例如想OEL(Oracle Enterprise Liunx)之类的不达到微软要求也是不支持相应的SLA

Linux on Azure-Endorsed Distributions

Lync Server 不在支持列表中,据传说以后将来可能(形容词真多)支持。

Exchange Server 也不再支持列表中, 这两个组件都在Office 365的服务中直接提供

SQL Server 的高可用是支持的,而且以后会有更便捷创建方式


Windows Server features

Significant features that are not supported:

  • BitLocker Drive Encryption (on the operating system hard disk; may be used on data disks)
  • Windows Server Failover Clustering, except for SQL Server AlwaysOn Availability Groups (For more information, see the following MSDN topic:
    High Availability and Disaster Recovery for SQL Server in Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines

  • Internet Storage Name Server
  • Multipath I/O
  • Network Load Balancing
  • Peer Name Resolution Protocol
  • SNMP Services
  • Storage Manager for SANs
  • Windows Internet Name Service
  • Wireless LAN Service


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