A friend of mine said to me that she could fool those forensic tools easily by changing writing direction in text. I said to her: "Really? Are you sure...don't jump to conclusions too soon...". She showed me two screenshots as below:

1.She used Intella to do full index search:

2. She searched "烈日" and "臺北賓館", and those characters definitely exist in above file, guess what? no any hits found...

Ok Intella failed to find those Chinese characters that actually exist. Let's try EnCase and FTK. First we use EnCase to search "bomb". Unfortunately EnCase only got 1 hit...Acutally there is more than 1 "bomb" in it.

Next we search "烈日", and EnCase find 1 hit. So EnCase is clever enough to find out those Chinese characters in vertical direction.

How about FTK? Let's search "c4", and FTK could find it out without fail.

Then we search "烈日". FTK sucessfully hits "烈日" exactly as EnCase does.

Suspect may use such tricks to try to fool forensic tools. Fortunately EnCase and FTK could search and hit those Chinese characters in vertical direction. Now she realizes why those forensic tools cost lots of money.


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