svn 0.3.36

Intuitive Subversion wrapper.


svn is a simple Subversion library for Python. I wrote it so that there could be a lightweight and accessible library that was also available on PyPI. It is compatible with both Python 2.7 and 3.3+.

I’ve only implemented the functionality that I have required:

  • Listing entries
  • Getting info
  • Getting log
  • Checking-out
  • Exporting

You are more than welcome to submit pull-requests to add more support for additional subcommands.


Usage is divided between two clients that either allow for access to a local working-directory or a remote repository.

Both clients inherit a common set of methods that work with both local working- directories and remote repositories.

svn.utility.get_client is provided for convenience. If you provide a location that starts with a backslash, it will return a LocalClient instance. Otherwise, it will return a RemoteClient instance.


LocalClient allows access to a local working copy.


RemoteClient allows access to a remote repository.

  • checkout(path)


import svn.remote

r = svn.remote.RemoteClient('https://repo.local/svn')

Common Functionality

These methods are available on both clients.

  • info(rel_path=None)

    Get information about the directory.


import pprint

import svn.local

r = svn.local.LocalClient('/tmp/')
info =
pprint.pprint(info) #{'commit#revision': 0,
# 'commit/author': None,
# 'commit/date': datetime.datetime(2015, 4, 24, 2, 53, 21, 874970, tzinfo=tzutc()),
# 'commit_author': None,
# 'commit_date': datetime.datetime(2015, 4, 24, 2, 53, 21, 874970, tzinfo=tzutc()),
# 'commit_revision': 0,
# 'entry#kind': 'dir',
# 'entry#path': '/tmp/',
# 'entry#revision': 0,
# 'entry_kind': 'dir',
# 'entry_path': '/tmp/',
# 'entry_revision': 0,
# 'relative_url': None,
# 'repository/root': 'file:///tmp/test_repo',
# 'repository/uuid': '7446d4e9-8846-46c0-858a-34a2a1739d1c',
# 'repository_root': 'file:///tmp/test_repo',
# 'repository_uuid': '7446d4e9-8846-46c0-858a-34a2a1739d1c',
# 'url': 'file:///tmp/test_repo',
# 'wc-info/depth': None,
# 'wc-info/schedule': None,
# 'wc-info/wcroot-abspath': None,
# 'wcinfo_depth': None,
# 'wcinfo_schedule': None,
# 'wcinfo_wcroot_abspath': None} NOTE: The keys named with dashes, slashes, and hashes are considered
obsolete, and only available for backwards compatibility. We
have since moved to using only underscores to separate words.
  • cat(rel_filepath)

    Get file-data as string.


import svn.local

l = svn.local.LocalClient('/tmp/test_repo')
content ='test_file')
  • log_default(timestamp_from_dt=None, timestamp_to_dt=None, limit=None, rel_filepath=”)

    Perform a log-listing that can be bounded by time and/or take a maximum- count.


import svn.local

l = svn.local.LocalClient('/tmp/')

for e in l.log_default():
print(e) #LogEntry(date=datetime.datetime(2015, 4, 24, 3, 2, 39, 895975, tzinfo=tzutc()), msg='Added second file.', revision=2, author='dustin')
#LogEntry(date=datetime.datetime(2015, 4, 24, 2, 54, 2, 136170, tzinfo=tzutc()), msg='Initial commit.', revision=1, author='dustin')
  • export(to_path, revision=None)

    Checkout the tree without embedding an meta-information.


import svn.remote

r = svn.remote.RemoteClient('file:///tmp/test_repo')
  • list(extended=False, rel_path=None)

    Return either a flat-list of filenames or a list of objects describing even more information about each.


import pprint

import svn.local

l = svn.local.LocalClient('/tmp/')

# Flat list.

entries = l.list()
for filename in entries:
print(filename) #aa
#bb # Extended information. entries = l.list(extended=True)
for entry in entries:
pprint.pprint(entry) #{'author': 'dustin',
# 'commit_revision': 1,
# 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 4, 24, 2, 54, 2, 136170, tzinfo=tzutc()),
# 'is_directory': False,
# 'kind': 'file',
# 'name': 'aa',
# 'size': 0,
# 'timestamp': datetime.datetime(2015, 4, 24, 2, 54, 2, 136170, tzinfo=tzutc())}
#{'author': 'dustin',
# 'commit_revision': 2,
# 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 4, 24, 3, 2, 39, 895975, tzinfo=tzutc()),
# 'is_directory': False,
# 'kind': 'file',
# 'name': 'bb',
# 'size': 0,
# 'timestamp': datetime.datetime(2015, 4, 24, 3, 2, 39, 895975, tzinfo=tzutc())}
  • list_recursive(rel_path=None, yield_dirs=False, path_filter_cb=None)

    List all entries at and beneath the root or given relative-path.


import pprint

import svn.local

l = svn.local.LocalClient('/tmp/')

for rel_path, e in l.list_recursive():
print('[' + rel_path + ']')
print('') pprint.pprint(e) #[]
#{'author': 'dustin',
# 'commit_revision': 1,
# 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 4, 24, 2, 54, 2, 136170, tzinfo=tzutc()),
# 'is_directory': False,
# 'kind': 'file',
# 'name': 'aa',
# 'size': 0,
# 'timestamp': datetime.datetime(2015, 4, 24, 2, 54, 2, 136170, tzinfo=tzutc())}
#{'author': 'dustin',
# 'commit_revision': 2,
# 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 4, 24, 3, 2, 39, 895975, tzinfo=tzutc()),
# 'is_directory': False,
# 'kind': 'file',
# 'name': 'bb',
# 'size': 0,
# 'timestamp': datetime.datetime(2015, 4, 24, 3, 2, 39, 895975, tzinfo=tzutc())}
#{'author': 'dustin',
# 'commit_revision': 3,
# 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 4, 24, 3, 25, 13, 479212, tzinfo=tzutc()),
# 'is_directory': False,
# 'kind': 'file',
# 'name': 'cc',
# 'size': 0,
# 'timestamp': datetime.datetime(2015, 4, 24, 3, 25, 13, 479212, tzinfo=tzutc())}


Previously, the LocalClient and RemoteClient classes were exposed at the package level:

  • svn.LocalClient
  • svn.RemoteClient

Unfortunately, this interfered with dependency management during installation. The imports will now have to be, respectively:

  • svn.local (for LocalClient)
  • svn.remote (for RemoteClient)

We’re sorry for the inconvenience.


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