when LCUE enabled in phyreEngine

when Yebis integrated and render

there are two mainloopdraws in one frame

the inout stream of geometry shader in second mainloop will be changed from stripstream to pointstream


I used gfxcontext,ccb,dcb to add yebis in phyre.

this issue seems to have some relationship with ....these command buffers.

silicon回信说他们本来就是按照LQ 写的不需要特殊处理。

今天抽空测了下,排除了之前的一种猜想,就是pass0 pass1 的数据结构不一样 0深度1color

use pass1 only render to color target, the spots still there

LCUE shut down, the issue will be resolved



但silicon和客户一直在跟进,我那天抽空看了下,发现虽然  razor里面renderstate那摞都是一样的,

commandbuffer里面,就是batch的API list里面,错误的地方少两句命令setGsShader(),setEsShader(),经测试,也认为是command buffer不对




所以推断是更底层的 gnmx gnm 的问题(gnmx 包gnm)

在yebis 里面reapplyallstateForce(context)之后用lcue invilade gs es就好了.参考sdk3.5 sample





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