Something to learn: Rotation ops in AVL tree does not require recursion

node *create_node(int val)
node *pNew = new node;
pNew->val = val;
pNew->ht = ;
pNew->left = pNew->right = nullptr; return pNew;
} int height(node *p)
if(!p) return -;
return p->ht;
} int get_height(node *p)
if (!p) return ;
return + max(height(p->left), height(p->right));
} node *right_rotate(node *p)
node *pOrigRoot = p;
node *root = p->left;
pOrigRoot->left = root->right;
root->right = pOrigRoot; pOrigRoot->ht = get_height(pOrigRoot);
root->ht = get_height(root); return root;
} node *left_rotate(node *p)
node *pOrigRoot = p;
node *root = p->right;
pOrigRoot->right = root->left;
root->left = pOrigRoot; pOrigRoot->ht = get_height(pOrigRoot);
root->ht = get_height(root); return root;
} int balance_factor(node *p)
if (!p) return ;
return height(p->left) - height(p->right);
} node *balance(node *p)
int w = balance_factor(p); if (!p || abs(w) < )
return p; if (w > )
if(balance_factor(p->left) < )
p->left = left_rotate(p->left);
return right_rotate(p);
if(balance_factor(p->right) > )
p->right = right_rotate(p->right);
return left_rotate(p);
} return p;
} node * insert(node * root,int val)
if (val < root->val)
root->left = create_node(val);
root->left = insert(root->left, val);
root->right = create_node(val);
root->right = insert(root->right, val);
root->ht = get_height(root); return balance(root);


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