 * Project:     Smarty: the PHP compiling template engine
 * File:        SmartyBC.class.php
 * SVN:         $Id: $
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 * For questions, help, comments, discussion, etc., please join the
 * Smarty mailing list. Send a blank e-mail to
 * smarty-discussion-subscribe@googlegroups.com
 * @link      http://www.smarty.net/
 * @copyright 2008 New Digital Group, Inc.
 * @author    Monte Ohrt <monte at ohrt dot com>
 * @author    Uwe Tews
 * @author    Rodney Rehm
 * @package   Smarty
 * @ignore
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/Smarty.class.php');

 * Smarty Backward Compatability Wrapper Class
 * @package Smarty
class SmartyBC extends Smarty
     * Smarty 2 BC
     * @var string
    public $_version = self::SMARTY_VERSION;

     * Initialize new SmartyBC object
     * @param array $options options to set during initialization, e.g. array( 'forceCompile' => false )
    public function __construct(array $options = array())
        // register {php} tag
        $this->registerPlugin('block', 'php', 'smarty_php_tag');

     * wrapper for assign_by_ref
     * @param string $tpl_var the template variable name
     * @param mixed  &$value  the referenced value to assign
    public function assign_by_ref($tpl_var, &$value)
        $this->assignByRef($tpl_var, $value);

     * wrapper for append_by_ref
     * @param string  $tpl_var the template variable name
     * @param mixed   &$value  the referenced value to append
     * @param boolean $merge   flag if array elements shall be merged
    public function append_by_ref($tpl_var, &$value, $merge = false)
        $this->appendByRef($tpl_var, $value, $merge);

     * clear the given assigned template variable.
     * @param string $tpl_var the template variable to clear
    public function clear_assign($tpl_var)

     * Registers custom function to be used in templates
     * @param string $function      the name of the template function
     * @param string $function_impl the name of the PHP function to register
     * @param bool   $cacheable
     * @param mixed  $cache_attrs
    public function register_function($function, $function_impl, $cacheable = true, $cache_attrs = null)
        $this->registerPlugin('function', $function, $function_impl, $cacheable, $cache_attrs);

     * Unregisters custom function
     * @param string $function name of template function
    public function unregister_function($function)
        $this->unregisterPlugin('function', $function);

     * Registers object to be used in templates
     * @param string  $object      name of template object
     * @param object  $object_impl the referenced PHP object to register
     * @param array   $allowed     list of allowed methods (empty = all)
     * @param boolean $smarty_args smarty argument format, else traditional
     * @param array   $block_methods list of methods that are block format
     * @throws SmartyException
     * @internal param array $block_functs list of methods that are block format
    public function register_object($object, $object_impl, $allowed = array(), $smarty_args = true, $block_methods = array())
        settype($allowed, 'array');
        settype($smarty_args, 'boolean');
        $this->registerObject($object, $object_impl, $allowed, $smarty_args, $block_methods);

     * Unregisters object
     * @param string $object name of template object
    public function unregister_object($object)

     * Registers block function to be used in templates
     * @param string $block      name of template block
     * @param string $block_impl PHP function to register
     * @param bool   $cacheable
     * @param mixed  $cache_attrs
    public function register_block($block, $block_impl, $cacheable = true, $cache_attrs = null)
        $this->registerPlugin('block', $block, $block_impl, $cacheable, $cache_attrs);

     * Unregisters block function
     * @param string $block name of template function
    public function unregister_block($block)
        $this->unregisterPlugin('block', $block);

     * Registers compiler function
     * @param string $function      name of template function
     * @param string $function_impl name of PHP function to register
     * @param bool   $cacheable
    public function register_compiler_function($function, $function_impl, $cacheable = true)
        $this->registerPlugin('compiler', $function, $function_impl, $cacheable);

     * Unregisters compiler function
     * @param string $function name of template function
    public function unregister_compiler_function($function)
        $this->unregisterPlugin('compiler', $function);

     * Registers modifier to be used in templates
     * @param string $modifier      name of template modifier
     * @param string $modifier_impl name of PHP function to register
    public function register_modifier($modifier, $modifier_impl)
        $this->registerPlugin('modifier', $modifier, $modifier_impl);

     * Unregisters modifier
     * @param string $modifier name of template modifier
    public function unregister_modifier($modifier)
        $this->unregisterPlugin('modifier', $modifier);

     * Registers a resource to fetch a template
     * @param string $type      name of resource
     * @param array  $functions array of functions to handle resource
    public function register_resource($type, $functions)
        $this->registerResource($type, $functions);

     * Unregisters a resource
     * @param string $type name of resource
    public function unregister_resource($type)

     * Registers a prefilter function to apply
     * to a template before compiling
     * @param callable $function
    public function register_prefilter($function)
        $this->registerFilter('pre', $function);

     * Unregisters a prefilter function
     * @param callable $function
    public function unregister_prefilter($function)
        $this->unregisterFilter('pre', $function);

     * Registers a postfilter function to apply
     * to a compiled template after compilation
     * @param callable $function
    public function register_postfilter($function)
        $this->registerFilter('post', $function);

     * Unregisters a postfilter function
     * @param callable $function
    public function unregister_postfilter($function)
        $this->unregisterFilter('post', $function);

     * Registers an output filter function to apply
     * to a template output
     * @param callable $function
    public function register_outputfilter($function)
        $this->registerFilter('output', $function);

     * Unregisters an outputfilter function
     * @param callable $function
    public function unregister_outputfilter($function)
        $this->unregisterFilter('output', $function);

     * load a filter of specified type and name
     * @param string $type filter type
     * @param string $name filter name
    public function load_filter($type, $name)
        $this->loadFilter($type, $name);

     * clear cached content for the given template and cache id
     * @param  string $tpl_file   name of template file
     * @param  string $cache_id   name of cache_id
     * @param  string $compile_id name of compile_id
     * @param  string $exp_time   expiration time
     * @return boolean
    public function clear_cache($tpl_file = null, $cache_id = null, $compile_id = null, $exp_time = null)
        return $this->clearCache($tpl_file, $cache_id, $compile_id, $exp_time);

     * clear the entire contents of cache (all templates)
     * @param  string $exp_time expire time
     * @return boolean
    public function clear_all_cache($exp_time = null)
        return $this->clearCache(null, null, null, $exp_time);

     * test to see if valid cache exists for this template
     * @param  string $tpl_file name of template file
     * @param  string $cache_id
     * @param  string $compile_id
     * @return boolean
    public function is_cached($tpl_file, $cache_id = null, $compile_id = null)
        return $this->isCached($tpl_file, $cache_id, $compile_id);

     * clear all the assigned template variables.
    public function clear_all_assign()

     * clears compiled version of specified template resource,
     * or all compiled template files if one is not specified.
     * This function is for advanced use only, not normally needed.
     * @param  string $tpl_file
     * @param  string $compile_id
     * @param  string $exp_time
     * @return boolean results of {@link smarty_core_rm_auto()}
    public function clear_compiled_tpl($tpl_file = null, $compile_id = null, $exp_time = null)
        return $this->clearCompiledTemplate($tpl_file, $compile_id, $exp_time);

     * Checks whether requested template exists.
     * @param  string $tpl_file
     * @return boolean
    public function template_exists($tpl_file)
        return $this->templateExists($tpl_file);

     * Returns an array containing template variables
     * @param  string $name
     * @return array
    public function get_template_vars($name = null)
        return $this->getTemplateVars($name);

     * Returns an array containing config variables
     * @param  string $name
     * @return array
    public function get_config_vars($name = null)
        return $this->getConfigVars($name);

     * load configuration values
     * @param string $file
     * @param string $section
     * @param string $scope
    public function config_load($file, $section = null, $scope = 'global')
        $this->ConfigLoad($file, $section, $scope);

     * return a reference to a registered object
     * @param  string $name
     * @return object
    public function get_registered_object($name)
        return $this->getRegisteredObject($name);

     * clear configuration values
     * @param string $var
    public function clear_config($var = null)

     * trigger Smarty error
     * @param string  $error_msg
     * @param integer $error_type
    public function trigger_error($error_msg, $error_type = E_USER_WARNING)
        trigger_error("Smarty error: $error_msg", $error_type);

 * Smarty {php}{/php} block function
 * @param array   $params   parameter list
 * @param string  $content  contents of the block
 * @param object  $template template object
 * @param boolean &$repeat  repeat flag
 * @return string content re-formatted
function smarty_php_tag($params, $content, $template, &$repeat)

return '';


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