
Captain Ben Fawcett has bought an unusual taxi and has begun a new serivice. The 'taxi' is a small Swiss aeroplane called a 'Pilatus Porter'. This wonderful plane can carry seven passengers. The most surprising thing about it, however, is that it can land on anywhere: on snow, water, or even on a ploughed field. Captain Fawcett's first passenger was a docker who flew from Birmingham to a village in the Welsh mountains. Since then, Captain Fawcett has flown passengers to many unusual places. Once he landed the roof of a block of flats and on another occasion, he landed in a deserted car park. Captain Fawcett has just refused a strange request from a businessman. The man wanted to fly to Rockall, a lonely island in the Atlantic Ocean, but Captain Fawcett did not taken him because the trip was too dangerous.

【New words and expressions】(10)

  1. taxi n. 出租汽车 taxi driver 出租车司机

    take a taxi,take a bus,take a lift

  2. land vi. 着陆

    plough v. 耕地

    plough n. 梨;v. 耕, 犁, 犁耕, 费力穿过, 艰苦前进, 在考试中淘汰

    farm n. 农田,家场

  3. lonely adj. 偏僻的, 人迹罕见的(地方)

    lonely adj. 孤独的, 孤僻的(人) 人自己感觉的孤独

    alone adj. 单独的, 独一无二的, 孤独的, 独自的 客观事实上的孤独;adv. 独自地

  4. roof n. 楼顶(从外面看)

    raise the roof v. 喧闹, 大声抱怨

    ceiling n. 天花板(从里面看)

    hit the ceiling勃然大怒, 暴跳如雷, 怒发冲冠(美口语)

  5. block n. 块, 一座大楼

  6. flat n. 公寓房 a block of flats 公寓楼 (英国英语)

    a block of apartments 公寓楼(美语,apartment n. 公寓)

    office block 办公楼 写字楼

  7. desert v. 废弃 n. 沙漠, 不毛之地

【Notes ont the text】

  1. The 'taxi' is a small Swiss aeroplane called a 'Pilatus Porter'.

    called a ‘Pilatus Porter’是过去分词短语,作aeroplane的定语。一般过去分词短语作定语时要放在所修饰的名词/代词之后,而一个单独的分词作定语时则往往放在所修饰的名词/代词前面。

    He landed in a deserted car park.

    a race across the Atlantic

    call sb. sth. 叫某人……be called 被称为……


    a ploughed field 被耕过的田;

    a deserted car park 被废弃的车场

    written English 书面语 ;

    spoken English 口语

    colloquial language 口语

  2. Since then, Captain Fawcett has flown passengers to many unusual places.

    since then 从那时起(强调起点)

    so far = up to now 强调终点

  3. fly ① vi. 飞,飞行 ② vt. 空运(乘客)

    fly sb./sth. To… 开飞机送某人/物去……

    He has flown his car to France.

    drive sb. to… 开车送某人去……

  4. Once he landed on the roof of a block of flats and on another occasion, he landed in a deserted car park.

    once…and on another occasion 一次……还有一次……

  5. Captain Fawcett has just refused a strange request from a businessman.

    request from sb. 来自某人的请求

    request for sth. 要求得到

  6. The man wanted to fly to Rockall, a lonely island in the Atlantic Ocean, but Captain Fawcett did not take him because the trip was too dangerous.

    take sb. to … 送某人……

    too 在副词或形容词前表示否定含义,强调程度大到了人们不愿去做very 强调程度深


The plane (not only) (neither) (flew) (threw) close to the river, (but) (or) also flew under a bridge. (Then) (However) it (climbed) (ran) into the air. The people on the bridge (waved) (shook) to the pilot (and) (yet) he did not (notice) (look after) them.
not only,flew,but,Then,climbed(ran也对, 但没有climb表达更确切),waved,yet,notice

【Key structures】


【Special Difficulties】

  1. Refuse and Deny

    refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事

    deny doing sth. / deny that +从句 否认(指控、做过某事等).


    All those not holding tickets will be refused /denied entry. 无票者不得入内。

  2. Bring,Take与Fetch

    bring v. 从某处将某物“带来”,离说话人越来越近take v. 拿走,离说话人越来越远

    fetch v. 去某地将某物“取来”,是个双程动作,去了再来

  1. The ploughed field is ready for b .

    a. sewing b. sowing c. seeding d. growing

    be ready for/to… 为……作准备

    “seed”种植,只与播种子相联系, 一般作名词, 强调把种子种下去;而“sow”种植,只说明把...种下去, 并不一定是 “种子”


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