Flink 1.4没出来以前,一直使用Flink 1.3.2,感觉还算稳定,最近将运行环境升级到1.4,遇到了一些坑:



# The port under which the web-based runtime monitor listens.
# A value of -1 deactivates the web server.

1.3.2:jobmanager.web.port: 8081

1.4.0:web.port: 8081

1.4.0 少了前面的“jobmanager”,但是查看官网1.4.0的文档,配置项却是:jobmanager.web.port(https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.4/ops/config.html)


3.在Configuration的Common Options部分,1.4多了如下的东西:

classloader.resolve-order: Whether Flink should use a child-first ClassLoader when loading 
user-code classes or a parent-first ClassLoader. Can be one of parent-first or child-first. (default: child-first) classloader.parent-first-patterns: A (semicolon-separated) list of patterns that specifies
which classes should always be resolved through the parent ClassLoader first.
A pattern is a simple prefix that is checked against the fully qualified class name.
By default, this is set to java.;org.apache.flink.;javax.annotation;org.slf4j;org.apache.log4j;org.apache.logging.log4j;ch.qos.logback.
If you want to change this setting you have to make sure to also include the default patterns in your list of patterns if you want to keep that default behaviour.


java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraint violation:
loader (instance of org/apache/flink/runtime/execution/librarycache/FlinkUserCodeClassLoaders$ChildFirstClassLoader)
previously initiated loading for a different type with name "scala/collection/Iterable"




classloader.resolve-order: parent-first




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