A summary of comparison between JPEG and PNG



  • Smaller file size than PNG
  • Widely suppported
  • Integrated EXIF support


  • Lossy compression (DCT)

    • Not good as an archival image format

      where you needs to edit and save it again and again
    • bad for images with heavy texts and sharp lines

      The defined lines tend to get blurred due to anti-aliasing
  • Not great for higher-quality CMYK printing
  • No transparency support



  • Lossless compression (LZW)

    • great for screenshots

      perfect pixel-for-pixel representation of the screen
    • great for text and line
  • Transparency Support

    allows you to create images that neatly overlay with the content of an image or website


  • Larger file size than JPEG
  • No native EXIF support

    Be beated by DNG and TIFF for photography storage


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