Given two rectangles, find if the given two rectangles overlap or not.

A rectangle is denoted by providing the x and y co-ordinates of two points: the left top corner and the right bottom corner of the rectangle.

Note that two rectangles sharing a side are considered overlapping.


The first integer T denotes the number of test cases. For every test case, there are 2 lines of input. The first line consists of 4 integers: denoting the co-ordinates of the 2 points of the first rectangle. The first integer denotes the x co-ordinate and the second integer denotes the y co-ordinate of the left topmost corner of the first rectangle. The next two integers are the x and y co-ordinates of right bottom corner. Similarly, the second line denotes the cordinates of the two points of the second rectangle.


For each test case, output (either 1 or 0) denoting whether the 2 rectangles are overlapping. 1 denotes the rectangles overlap whereas 0 denotes the rectangles do not overlap.


1 <= T <= 10

-10000 <= x,y <= 10000

T denotes the number of test cases. x denotes the x co-ordinate and y denotes the y co-ordinate.



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