Watson Conversation Service Implementation Methodology

In order to implement the WCS successfully. You have to work with customer on the following two items before starting the project.

1. Identify user case.

  What kind of user cases do customer have for implementing WCS?

2. Success creteria

Define the success creteria and have an agreement with customer

Implementation Steps:

1.Question Collection

User excel sheet to collect questions from end-users. Intents can be imported.

2. Define intents and Entities

An intent is the specific goal or idea of a user’s input.

Entities are inputs that alter the way Watson responds to the user's intent.

The following is the example how to collect question and define Intent, Entity

3.System Entities

System entities are common entities created by IBM that can be used across any use case. They are ready to be used as soon as you add them to your workspace.

@sys-time: Extracts time mentions, for example, at 10.

@sys-date: Extracts date mentions, for example, Friday.

@sys-currency: Extracts currency values from user examples including the amount and the unit, for example, 10 cents.

@sys-percentage: Extracts amounts from user examples including the number and the % sign, for example, 25%.

@sys-number: Extracts numbers mentioned from user examples as digits or written as numbers, for example, 22.

4. Create Dialog

The dialog component of WCS provides responses to users based on the intents and entities identified.A dialog chat flow is made up of nodes.

Nodes define the steps in the conversation or chat flow. Dialog nodes are chained together in a tree structure, and each node can be defined by two parts:

a condition and a response.

Thinking and Discussion:

Is it possible that create a program to generate the WCS json file based on template,which define all questions,intents,entities and answers?


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