from lxml import html
import requests # using xpath # page = requests.get('')
page = requests.get('')
tree = html.fromstring(page.content) #This will create a list of buyers:
# buyers = tree.xpath('//div[@title="buyer-name"]/text()')
# test = tree.xpath('//*[@id="maincard_15788"]/div[3]')
# print(test) doc = tree
# btags = doc.xpath("//*[@class[starts-with(., 'maincard narrower Oral') and string-length() > 3]]")
btags = doc.xpath("//*[@class[starts-with(., 'maincard narrower Spotlight') and string-length() > 3]]")
idx = 1
with open('nips_paperlist_spotlight.txt', 'w') as f:
for b in btags:
type = b.xpath("div[1]")[0].text
title = b.xpath("div[3]")[0].text
author = b.xpath("div[5]")[0].text
out_str = "%d, %s, %s, %s\n"%(idx, type, title, author)
# print(idx)
# print(type)
# print(title)
# print(author)
idx += 1


lxml, requests


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