

package org.redisson;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition; import org.redisson.api.RFuture;
import org.redisson.api.RLock;
import org.redisson.client.codec.LongCodec;
import org.redisson.client.protocol.RedisCommands;
import org.redisson.client.protocol.RedisStrictCommand;
import org.redisson.command.CommandExecutor;
import org.redisson.pubsub.LockPubSub; /**
* Distributed implementation of {@link java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock}
* Implements reentrant lock.<br>
* Lock will be removed automatically if client disconnects.
* <p>
* Implements a <b>fair</b> locking so it guarantees an acquire order by threads.
* @author Nikita Koksharov
/** vergilyn mark: <br/>
* remove stale threads: 为什么不写成公共的? <br/>
* redisson是如何解决服务器之间时间不同步的: 因为{Redisson.UUID}, 不同服务器生成UUID不同, 所以其时间戳的值肯定会来至原有的服务器. <br/>
* "redisson_lock_queue:{lock_name}": 这LIST的顺序就是获取锁的顺序, 即FairLock实现原理. <br/>
* "redisson_lock_timeout:{xxx}": 这其中的score并不表示获取锁的顺序, 而是表示线程竞争锁的失效时间点. <br/>
public class RedissonFairLock extends RedissonLock implements RLock { private final long threadWaitTime = 5000;
private final CommandExecutor commandExecutor; /** vergilyn mark: <br/>
* 构造函数, 被protected修饰, 说明不能在外部通过new获取; 一般的构建是:{@link Redisson#getFairLock(String)}. <br/>
* @param name lock的'锁名', 实际定义在{@link RedissonObject#name}
* @param id
protected RedissonFairLock(CommandExecutor commandExecutor, String name, UUID id) {
super(commandExecutor, name, id);
this.commandExecutor = commandExecutor;
} /** vergilyn mark: <br/>
* 未被修饰符修饰, 默认即friendly: 在同一个包中的类可以访问, 其他包中的类不能访问. <br/>
* type : LIST <br/>
* key : "redisson_lock_queue:{lock_name}" <br/>
* value: "{Redisson.UUID}:{threadId}" <br/>
* @return ex, redisson_lock_queue:{lock_name}
String getThreadsQueueName() {
return prefixName("redisson_lock_queue", getName());
} /** vergilyn mark: <br/>
* type : SORT-SET <br/>
* key : "redisson_lock_timeout:{lock_name}" <br/>
* value: "{Redisson.UUID}:{threadId}" <br/>
* score: 时间戳 <br/>
* @return ex, redisson_lock_timeout:{lock_name}
String getTimeoutSetName() {
return prefixName("redisson_lock_timeout", getName());
} @Override
protected RedissonLockEntry getEntry(long threadId) {
return PUBSUB.getEntry(getEntryName() + ":" + threadId);
} /** vergilyn mark: <br/>
* 订阅, 重写: {@link RedissonLock#subscribe(long)}
protected RFuture<RedissonLockEntry> subscribe(long threadId) {
return PUBSUB.subscribe(getEntryName() + ":" + threadId,
getChannelName() + ":" + getLockName(threadId), commandExecutor.getConnectionManager());
} /** vergilyn mark: <br/>
* 取消订阅, 重写: {@link RedissonLock#unsubscribe(RFuture, long)}
protected void unsubscribe(RFuture<RedissonLockEntry> future, long threadId) {
PUBSUB.unsubscribe(future.getNow(), getEntryName() + ":" + threadId,
getChannelName() + ":" + getLockName(threadId), commandExecutor.getConnectionManager());
} @Override
protected RFuture<Void> acquireFailedAsync(long threadId) {
/* vergilyn mark: lua中数组下标是从1开始
* lindex key index : LIST, 返回列表中下标为指定索引值的元素. 如果指定索引值不在列表的区间范围内, 返回 nil.
* zrange key start stop [WITHSCORES] : SORT-SET, 通过索引区间返回有序集合成指定区间内的成员.
* zincrby key increment member : SORT-SET, 有序集合中对指定成员的分数加上增量 increment.
* zrem key member [member ...] : SORT-SET, 移除有序集合中的一个或多个成员
* lrem key count value : LIST, 移除列表元素(count=0, 表示全部)
return commandExecutor.evalWriteAsync(getName(), LongCodec.INSTANCE, RedisCommands.EVAL_VOID,
// KEYS[1]: "redisson_lock_queue:{xxx}", ARGV[1]: "{Redisson.UUID}:{threadId}"
// KEYS[2]: "redisson_lock_timeout:{xxx}", ARGV[2]: "{threadWaitTime}"(默认: 5000ms)
"local firstThreadId = redis.call('lindex', KEYS[1], 0); " +
"if firstThreadId == ARGV[1] then " +
"local keys = redis.call('zrange', KEYS[2], 0, -1); " +
"for i = 1, #keys, 1 do " +
"redis.call('zincrby', KEYS[2], -tonumber(ARGV[2]), keys[i]);" +
"end;" +
"end;" +
"redis.call('zrem', KEYS[2], ARGV[1]); " +
"redis.call('lrem', KEYS[1], 0, ARGV[1]); ",
Arrays.<Object>asList(getThreadsQueueName(), getTimeoutSetName()), // KEYS
getLockName(threadId), threadWaitTime); // PARAMS
} /** vergilyn mark: <br/>
* FairLock核心方法, 尝试获取锁(内部异步获取);
* remark: 因为{Redisson.UUID}, 解决了服务器之间的时间不同步
* @param leaseTime 锁自动释放的时长
* @param unit leaseTime的时间单位
* @param threadId 线程
* @return
<T> RFuture<T> tryLockInnerAsync(long leaseTime, TimeUnit unit, long threadId, RedisStrictCommand<T> command) {
internalLockLeaseTime = unit.toMillis(leaseTime); long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (command == RedisCommands.EVAL_NULL_BOOLEAN) {
return commandExecutor.evalWriteAsync(getName(), LongCodec.INSTANCE, command,
// remove stale threads: 移除陈旧的线程
// KEYS[1]: "lock_name", ARGV[1]: "{leaseTime}"
// KEYS[2]: "redisson_lock_queue:{xxx}", ARGV[2]: "{Redisson.UUID}:{threadId}"
// KEYS[3]: "redisson_lock_timeout:{xxx}", ARGV[3]: "{currentTime}" (部署服务器的时间ms, 不是redis-server的服务器时间)
"while true do "
+ "local firstThreadId2 = redis.call('lindex', KEYS[2], 0);"
+ "if firstThreadId2 == false then "
+ "break;"
+ "end; "
+ "local timeout = tonumber(redis.call('zscore', KEYS[3], firstThreadId2));"
+ "if timeout <= tonumber(ARGV[3]) then "
+ "redis.call('zrem', KEYS[3], firstThreadId2); "
+ "redis.call('lpop', KEYS[2]); "
+ "else "
+ "break;"
+ "end; "
+ "end;"
+ "if (redis.call('exists', KEYS[1]) == 0) and ((redis.call('exists', KEYS[2]) == 0) "
+ "or (redis.call('lindex', KEYS[2], 0) == ARGV[2])) then " +
"redis.call('lpop', KEYS[2]); " +
"redis.call('zrem', KEYS[3], ARGV[2]); " +
"redis.call('hset', KEYS[1], ARGV[2], 1); " +
"redis.call('pexpire', KEYS[1], ARGV[1]); " +
"return nil; " +
"end; " +
"if (redis.call('hexists', KEYS[1], ARGV[2]) == 1) then " +
"redis.call('hincrby', KEYS[1], ARGV[2], 1); " +
"redis.call('pexpire', KEYS[1], ARGV[1]); " +
"return nil; " +
"end; " +
"return 1;",
Arrays.<Object>asList(getName(), getThreadsQueueName(), getTimeoutSetName()), // KEYS
internalLockLeaseTime, getLockName(threadId), currentTime); // PARAMS
} if (command == RedisCommands.EVAL_LONG) {
return commandExecutor.evalWriteAsync(getName(), LongCodec.INSTANCE, command,
// remove stale threads: 移除无效的竞争锁的线程
// KEYS[1]: "lock_name", ARGV[1]: "{leaseTime}"
// KEYS[2]: "redisson_lock_queue:{xxx}", ARGV[2]: "{Redisson.UUID}:{threadId}"
// KEYS[3]: "redisson_lock_timeout:{xxx}", ARGV[3]: "{currentTime + threadWaitTime}" (部署服务器的时间ms, 不是redis-server的服务器时间)
// ARGV[4]: "{currentTime}" // 移除竞争lock_name中无效的线程
"while true do "
+ "local firstThreadId2 = redis.call('lindex', KEYS[2], 0);"
+ "if firstThreadId2 == false then "
+ "break;"
+ "end; "
+ "local timeout = tonumber(redis.call('zscore', KEYS[3], firstThreadId2));"
+ "if timeout <= tonumber(ARGV[4]) then " // 如果存在且已失效, 则相应的从"redisson_lock_queue:{xxx}"、"redisson_lock_timeout:{xxx}"中移除
+ "redis.call('zrem', KEYS[3], firstThreadId2); "
+ "redis.call('lpop', KEYS[2]); "
+ "else "
+ "break;"
+ "end; "
+ "end;" // exists: 若 key 存在返回 1 ,否则返回 0 。
// 1. KEYS[1]: 记录获取到lock_name的线程, 及记录线程获取锁的次数. (此HASH只会存在一个field)
// type: HASH, key: "lock_name", field: "{Redisson.UUID}:{threadId}", value: 1 (value表示线程获取锁的次数, 释放锁时必须释放相同的次数, 才会释放锁lock_name)
// 2. 当不存在"redisson_lock_queue:{lock_name}"时, 表示没有竞争对手存在; 或, 竞争队列的第一个值为当前线程 (因为是FairLock, 所以要满足 redis.call('lindex', KEYS[2], 0) == ARGV[2])
+ "if (redis.call('exists', KEYS[1]) == 0) and ((redis.call('exists', KEYS[2]) == 0) "
+ "or (redis.call('lindex', KEYS[2], 0) == ARGV[2])) then " +
// 当前线程获取到锁, 从queue、timeout中移除
"redis.call('lpop', KEYS[2]); " +
"redis.call('zrem', KEYS[3], ARGV[2]); " +
"redis.call('hset', KEYS[1], ARGV[2], 1); " + // 标记当前锁已被某个线程获取
"redis.call('pexpire', KEYS[1], ARGV[1]); " + // 设置标记的失效时常, 默认是 30 * 1000 ms
"return nil; " +
"end; " + // (重复获取锁) 当前线程即持有锁的线程, 即可重入锁(Reentrant Lock)
"if (redis.call('hexists', KEYS[1], ARGV[2]) == 1) then " +
"redis.call('hincrby', KEYS[1], ARGV[2], 1); " + // 记录线程获取锁的次数
"redis.call('pexpire', KEYS[1], ARGV[1]); " + // 重置失效时长
"return nil; " +
"end; " + "local firstThreadId = redis.call('lindex', KEYS[2], 0); " +
"local ttl; " +
"if firstThreadId ~= false and firstThreadId ~= ARGV[2] then " + // 队列存在, 且队列的第一个值 ≠ 当前线程
"ttl = tonumber(redis.call('zscore', KEYS[3], firstThreadId)) - tonumber(ARGV[4]);" +
"else "
+ "ttl = redis.call('pttl', KEYS[1]);" +
"end; " + "local timeout = ttl + tonumber(ARGV[3]);" + // 计算竞争线程的失效时间点
"if redis.call('zadd', KEYS[3], timeout, ARGV[2]) == 1 then " + // 设置当前线程竞争锁的失效时间点
"redis.call('rpush', KEYS[2], ARGV[2]);" + // 将当前线程加入竞争锁的队列中
"end; " +
"return ttl;", // 返回持有锁的剩余时长,
Arrays.<Object>asList(getName(), getThreadsQueueName(), getTimeoutSetName()),
internalLockLeaseTime, getLockName(threadId), currentTime + threadWaitTime, currentTime);
} throw new IllegalArgumentException();
} /** vergilyn mark: <br/>
* 释放锁(内部异步); 只有持有锁的线程才能释放锁, 且线程获取多少次锁, 就要释放多少次, 否则不会释放(除非锁达到失效时长).
* lua执行返回: 1, 成功释放锁; nil/0, 未释放任何锁.
* @see RedissonFairLock#forceUnlockAsync()
protected RFuture<Boolean> unlockInnerAsync(long threadId) {
return commandExecutor.evalWriteAsync(getName(), LongCodec.INSTANCE, RedisCommands.EVAL_BOOLEAN,
// remove stale threads: 移除无效的获取锁的线程
"while true do "
+ "local firstThreadId2 = redis.call('lindex', KEYS[2], 0);"
+ "if firstThreadId2 == false then "
+ "break;"
+ "end; "
+ "local timeout = tonumber(redis.call('zscore', KEYS[3], firstThreadId2));"
+ "if timeout <= tonumber(ARGV[4]) then "
+ "redis.call('zrem', KEYS[3], firstThreadId2); "
+ "redis.call('lpop', KEYS[2]); "
+ "else "
+ "break;"
+ "end; "
+ "end;" // 锁已释放(KEYS[1]已自动失效), 通知下一个获取锁的线程
+ "if (redis.call('exists', KEYS[1]) == 0) then " +
"local nextThreadId = redis.call('lindex', KEYS[2], 0); " +
"if nextThreadId ~= false then " +
"redis.call('publish', KEYS[4] .. ':' .. nextThreadId, ARGV[1]); " +
"end; " +
"return 1; " + // 成功释放锁
"end;" + // 当前线程不是持有锁的线程, 不允许释放锁
"if (redis.call('hexists', KEYS[1], ARGV[3]) == 0) then " +
"return nil;" +
"end; " + // 当前线程是持有锁的线程, value: 递减
// (ReentrantLock概念) 当同一线程中多次获取锁, 必须释放相同多的次数, 才会最终释放锁
"local counter = redis.call('hincrby', KEYS[1], ARGV[3], -1); " +
"if (counter > 0) then " +
"redis.call('pexpire', KEYS[1], ARGV[2]); " + // 每次递减后重置失效时长
"return 0; " + // 释放锁失败
"end; " + // 当前线程所有获取锁的地方都释放了锁, 则正确的释放锁
"redis.call('del', KEYS[1]); " + // 通知下一个竞争相同锁的线程.
"local nextThreadId = redis.call('lindex', KEYS[2], 0); " +
"if nextThreadId ~= false then " +
"redis.call('publish', KEYS[4] .. ':' .. nextThreadId, ARGV[1]); " +
"end; " +
"return 1; ", // 成功释放锁
Arrays.<Object>asList(getName(), getThreadsQueueName(), getTimeoutSetName(), getChannelName()),
LockPubSub.unlockMessage, internalLockLeaseTime, getLockName(threadId), System.currentTimeMillis());
} @Override
public Condition newCondition() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
} @Override
public RFuture<Boolean> deleteAsync() {
return commandExecutor.writeAsync(getName(), RedisCommands.DEL_OBJECTS, getName(), getThreadsQueueName(), getTimeoutSetName());
} /** vergilyn mark: <br/>
* 强制释放锁
* @see RedissonLock#unlockInnerAsync
public RFuture<Boolean> forceUnlockAsync() {
return commandExecutor.evalWriteAsync(getName(), LongCodec.INSTANCE, RedisCommands.EVAL_BOOLEAN,
// remove stale threads
"while true do "
+ "local firstThreadId2 = redis.call('lindex', KEYS[2], 0);"
+ "if firstThreadId2 == false then "
+ "break;"
+ "end; "
+ "local timeout = tonumber(redis.call('zscore', KEYS[3], firstThreadId2));"
+ "if timeout <= tonumber(ARGV[2]) then "
+ "redis.call('zrem', KEYS[3], firstThreadId2); "
+ "redis.call('lpop', KEYS[2]); "
+ "else "
+ "break;"
+ "end; "
+ "end;"
+ // 强制释放锁, 即使当前线程不是持有锁的线程, 并通知下一个竞争相同锁的线程
"if (redis.call('del', KEYS[1]) == 1) then " +
"local nextThreadId = redis.call('lindex', KEYS[2], 0); " +
"if nextThreadId ~= false then " +
"redis.call('publish', KEYS[4] .. ':' .. nextThreadId, ARGV[1]); " +
"end; " +
"return 1; " + // 强制释放锁成功
"end; " +
"return 0;", // 强制释放锁失败
Arrays.<Object>asList(getName(), getThreadsQueueName(), getTimeoutSetName(), getChannelName()),
LockPubSub.unlockMessage, System.currentTimeMillis());
} }


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